In fact, Jiang Chan herself has no extravagant expectations for her biological parents. She grew up in the courtyard, and she has no hope for her parents. What's more, she lives so comfortably in real life. To break your peaceful life?

   It's just that this is the wish of the original owner Xu Bei, and Jiang Chan will do it for her. She is still quite sigh of what happened to this girl. If Xu Guoqiang hadn't secretly changed her child, she would have embarked on a completely different path.

   "Okay, just as I said, send these reports to Zhou Wenhua, I look forward to the next development of the incident, this year is really comfortable!"

   Today is the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, and even the busiest companies are on holiday on this day. Zhou Wenhua is of course no exception. He also rushed back to buy new year goods with his wife.

   He emerged from the end of the day and started from scratch, so he is particularly concerned about these ordinary lives. After getting off the elevator, the front desk suddenly stopped him: "Zhou, there is a copy of your document."

   Looking at the postmark on it, Zhou Wenhua raised his eyebrows. Who would send him something at this time? He took it and put it in his briefcase, Zhou Wenhua nodded: "Get off work early today, happy new year!"

  While waiting for the traffic light, Zhou Wenhua accidentally saw the express in the briefcase. There is still a long time between watching the traffic lights, and Zhou Wenhua simply opened the document.

   placed on the top is a paternity test report. When he saw the name, Zhou Wenhua's pupils shrank. He was silent for two seconds, closed the document, and drove to a halt in a secluded corner.

   Zhou's house, Zhou Miaozhu took Li Juanxiu's arm: "Mom, when will my dad arrive home? You also said that I asked my dad to accompany me to buy clothes. What time is it, and the mall will probably be closed."

   Li Juanxiu, but Zhou Miaozhu’s soft and hard foam, she pulled out her arm: "Okay, I'll call your dad and ask where he is now."

   The phone rang several times before being connected, Zhou Wenhua's calm voice came from the receiver: "Wenhua, where have you been? Miaozhu has been waiting for you at home."

   Zhou Wenhua looked at the results of the report in his hand, closed his eyes, and barely suppressed his emotions: "You take Miaozhu first. I just met a friend and I made an appointment for dinner at night."

   Li Juan Xiuxin thought it was true: "That's fine, you don't want to drink at night and you have to drive."

   Zhou Wenhua whispered: "Don't worry, I know how to measure it."

   Zhou Miaozhu leaned close to the phone, and naturally heard Zhou Wenhua's words. She flattened her mouth: "Well, since Dad is busy, please ask my mother to accompany me, but in order to compensate me, my mother will buy me two pieces today!"

   Li Juanxiu scraped Zhou Miaozhu's nose: "Of course this is fine."

   In the car, I read this parent-child report several times, and Zhou Wenhua cleared up his emotions. He won't rely on this paternity test to believe the facts, he has to do it himself.

   This year, it is really anxious.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Zhou Wenhua was sitting in the living room, his eyes bright and bright. Since receiving this appraisal report, he has been thinking a lot. Not his own.

   Some suspicions in the past have gradually surfaced. After all, Zhou Miaozhu is nothing like him and Li Juanxiu. What is going on?

  Since the seeds of doubt are planted, there will always be times when they break out of the ground. Jiang Chan knows the way. An old fox like Zhou Wenhua will definitely not tear his face right away, at least after he has the evidence on the ground.

   He will definitely do a paternity test first, and then follow Zhou Miaozhu's line to check. Originally, Jiang Chan intended to send some reports of Zhou Miaozhu's whereabouts as well, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

   Such old foxes are definitely skeptical about the clues that others send to them. What they believe is always the clues found by their own ability.

   Let Zhou Wenhua look it up slowly, Jiang Chan is looking forward to it. Jiang Chan was holding a cup of hot drink and carrying a small bag across her body. She was also rarely interested and went out to stroll around the mall.

   The house is too lonely, even as strong as Jiang Chan, and I want to come out with some smoke and firework. In the new year, as a girl who is less than twenty years old, she should also be more refined.

   After walking around in the mall, Jiang Chan already had two bags in her hand. A wool coat and a dress are all valuable. When she was about to stroll around again, a pair of mother and daughter walking in front came into her sight.

   Isn’t that Zhou Miaozhu and Li Juanxiu? Looking at the bag Li Juanxiu is carrying, it seems that the two of them have just finished their shopping together. Jiang Chan curled up the corners of his lips playfully, and then there was a good show.

   Seeing a trash can next to him, Jiang Chan threw the empty cup in his hand and made a crisp sound. Zhou Miaozhu turned his head in response, only to see a long hair fluttering Somehow, Zhou Miaozhu's heart suddenly felt a chill. She held Li Juanxiu's hand tightly, as if this would make her feel more secure.

   Jiang Chan was in a good mood, but when he saw the little thing lying under her car in the parking lot, his brows wrinkled a little. Is this an orange cat? It's still a small ball, looking weak.

  Because of his role as a treasure hunter, Jiang Chan felt a little uncomfortable seeing the cat. Of course, when the cat saw Jiang Chan, almost all of them pounced on her.

   She squatted down and picked up the kitten next to the tire. She was the only one who slapped her, and she didn't know why there was such a small cat in this parking lot. After all, it was a life, Jiang Chan couldn't turn a blind eye.

   She sighed, watching the kitten shivering, Jiang Chan directly stuffed the kitten into her coat pocket. The pet hospitals I saw along the way were closed, and Jiang Chan could only take this little thing back. Whether he could live or not depends on the little thing's own destiny.

   Thinking of this in his heart, Jiang Chan's movements in his hands were very gentle, putting a towel in the paper box and putting this little thing inside. There was no milk powder at home, Jiang Chan could only cook a pot of porridge, and filled out the layer of rice oil on the top of the porridge.

   Fortunately, this little thing can still be eaten. If it can be eaten, it means it can survive. Jiang Chan is also relieved. She rarely keeps pets, except for the husky that she had adopted before, which was finally left to Jiang Yuhui.

   This little cat may be very hungry. A small bowl of rice oil was eaten cleanly, and his belly was swollen.

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