The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2916: Xu Li twenty-eight

Latest website: Jiang Chanxin said that this is her achievement. If Xu Li, a liberal arts student, is allowed to come, she will be Amitabha if she can understand mathematics. By the way, when will Xu Li wake up? You don't really have to wait until you're twenty-seven, do you? There are still eight years left.

This time Xu Li was much more upbeat, and she didn't wake up until Jiang Chan was in her junior year. It's just that when she saw the thick legal provisions, Xu Li was a little entangled: "You let me endorse it, I'm sure I can, but how to use it, I can't figure it out. My mother always said that I am a elm head."

Jiang Chan snorted and said, "It doesn't matter, even if it is an elm head, I will carve you into a material."

There was a chill on Xu Li's back, and her ominous premonition came true in the next moment. After coming to the study space, Xu Li jumped up and down. This kind of unrealistic thing made her very amazed.

It's just that when she saw those legal provisions, Xu Li had a headache: "Teacher, I can't figure it out, I think writing it is quite suitable for me."

Jiang Chan: "Just your little white text? I didn't think carefully about it. With such a quiet and introverted personality, how can you go to the front of the stage to litigate with others?"

Xu Li shyly said, "No way, I know you're doing it for my own good, and I'm only waking up at this time because I didn't live up to expectations. But since I've chosen this major, I'll keep reading even if I'm on my knees."

Jiang Chan appreciates Xu Li's vigor, although she knows she can't handle it, but she is willing to try and work hard, which is already very good.

It's a pity that Xu Li has so much ambition on her front foot. Later, when she memorized those laws and regulations, she wanted to grab the ground with her head: "It's too difficult, it's too difficult. I don't reject the endorsement, but being so bluntly ruled by the laws, too difficult."

Jiang Chan had no choice but to find a case for her. With the addition of the case, it would be easier for her to understand. Even so, during the judicial examination, Xu Li almost shed a layer of skin.

Jiang Chan would never help her cheat in this kind of big exam, it was against her principles and morals. Fortunately, Xu Li passed the test in the end. Others saw how easy she was, but Xu Li herself was so lucky.

To everyone's surprise, Xu Li did not choose those big law firms after graduation, but went to a very small law firm. When this choice was made, it can be said that she fell through everyone's glasses.

Xu Li turned a deaf ear to the doubts and even disapproval of the outside world. She is not short of money. If she can rely on her own efforts to make few families in this world suffer, then she will do her best.

To some extent, Xu Li is a very idealistic person. This is not bad, it's just that it's easy to break, but with Jiang Chan watching, Xu Li has never encountered any danger in these years.

Time flies, and soon Xu Li will be twenty-six years old. In the past few years, she has also gained a lot of fame. Many unjust and suspicious cases that had accumulated for a long time were finally overthrown by Xu Li.

The key point is that she doesn't just rely on the fact that there is no suspicion of crime. She can accurately find out the real culprit behind the scenes every time, which has to make people sigh.

"Congratulations, you won the lawsuit again." The boss clinked glasses with Xu Li, his tone full of appreciation.

Xu Li raised the juice: "Thank you, it's just a grievance. Although I won the lawsuit, I can't be happy at all. I have spent 30 years in prison. How can I make up for this kind of psychological trauma?"

Mr. Zhao: "They can only come out on their own. You have already done what you can do. Xu Li, I find that you are sometimes too compassionate. You must know that you cannot save all sentient beings."

Xu Li: "I know, I just sigh with emotion, even the Buddha can't save all sentient beings, I'm just an ordinary person, how can I do it?"

Mr. Zhao was a little worried: "You have made a lot of enemies in the past few years, and you usually pay more attention to safety when commuting to and from get off work. Last time you sent Yaohua's son in, and now it is in operation."

Xu Li understands: "I know, I will be careful. This is not repentance. It is obvious that I have made a mistake first, but I still want to make up for it afterwards. It depends on who is the last one."

In the profession of lawyers, enemies and friends are ever-changing. Maybe he was your client one second, and your enemy the next. In recent years, Xu Li has also received a lot of open and hidden arrows.

She usually does not file lawsuits related to economic disputes, but mainly focuses on various unjust and wrongly decided cases. But since it was said to be an unjust case at the beginning, many murderers hiding behind the scenes are basically intertwined, or have various complicated relationships.

Now Xu Li's situation is really dangerous, like walking on a wire rope. In the past few years, overt and covert assassination warnings, etc., have been encountered basically every month.

After driving back to her residence, Xu Li made a phone call with her family first.

Yang Jing: "You haven't rested so late? I read the news, and you won the lawsuit again. Congratulations."

Xu Li leaned against the bay window: "Although I won the lawsuit, I am not happy at all. Every time I see these dark sides, I feel very sad."

Yang Jing: "But you have done a good job. If you don't think about it, their whole life will be ruined. Would you be happier if you think about it this way?"

Xu Li forced her lips together: "Maybe, it's just that I'm panicked. You said it's not good for people to live well? In the end, they dragged innocent people into the water and ruined other people's lives."

Yang Jing sighed: "Don't think about it so much. You should pay attention to your health when you are busy with cases. Pay attention to your own safety, and don't be too high-profile when doing things. Every time I hear that you have accepted a major unjust case, I am very worried. .”

Xu Li knew that she was frightened, "Don't worry, it's always dangerous every time? Not everyone is as reckless as Zhao Cheng, who dares to attack outside the court."

Yang Jing: "You were attacked last Your dad and I were really scared, and Xu Lin has always missed you. If you have time, come back to see her, she is always at home talking about you. "

Xu Li: "That's fine, I don't have a case on hand recently, and I've been running around all these years, so I want to take a break too."

Yang Jing: "Okay, when will you come back? I'll ask your dad to cook something delicious for you?"

Xu Li's mood brightened: "It's fine, is Dad's stall still open?"

Yang Jing: "You don't know him yet? He is usually lazy, but he feels uncomfortable when he doesn't do something. After so many years, his small stall is still running, and the people in the town are used to his hand-made lo mei. From time to time, someone Come and book."

"Although I can't make a lot of money, it is enough to maintain the daily expenses of the family."

Xu Li: "That's fine. I'll go back the day after tomorrow. Xu Lin is about to take the high school entrance examination. I'll go back to the capital to work after her high school entrance examination is over."

(end of this chapter)


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