Gu Qingcheng and Zhang Yun didn't do the same thing. Gu Nian couldn't come back. They could only go to school to see Gu Nian. They also understand now that it is impossible for Gu Nian to take the initiative to approach them. Now they can only take the initiative to see if this parent-child relationship that is on the verge of breaking up can be saved.

Gu Nian didn't think about breaking up with Gu Qingcheng and his wife. She is now spending so much time with Gu Qingcheng and his wife, maybe one day she will laugh away the hurt of Gu Qingcheng and his wife?

But now she can't do it, she is an ordinary mortal, she can't forgive generously, even if it is her real parents.

Time passed so slowly, Gu Nian's competition road went very smoothly, and he overcame all obstacles and came to the training time. Although No. 3 Middle School has been running for a long time, it focuses more on the admission rate, and its strength in competition is a bit weak.

Gu Nian's result in Provincial No. 1 is already the best result in the history of No. 3 Middle School. To this end, the school also specially raised a banner. Of course, scholarships are essential, and Gu Nian's small treasury has increased.

After getting provincial one, a school came to Gu Nian, which was about the referral, even though Gu Nian was only a freshman in high school. Gu Nian thought about it for a while, but chose to give up.

This time, the recommended students are basically universities in the province. Gu Nian does not want to study in the province. So far, she still wants to go out and see.

Now that Gu Nian's life has nothing to do with them, Gu Qingcheng and Zhang Yun are not uneasy about this situation. But what can you do if you are sad? Gu Nian has a big idea. She was only twelve years old when she dared to take the admissions test of the third middle school alone. How could she take their opinions to heart?

Besides, Gu Qingcheng and Zhang Yun have indeed made up for a lot of education books during this time, and they know that it is best not to go against her if they care about her current state.

Others only know that their daughter is excellent, but they don't know that this seemingly harmonious and happy family will fall apart.

Gu Qingcheng smiled bitterly. Now that he looked at his past self, he realized how wrong he and Zhang Yun were. If his parents treated him like this, could he last as long as Gu Nian?

In November, Gu Nian went to the winter camp, which was the final. She was the only one who reached the final in the third middle school. No one expected that she applied for both mathematics and biology, and both went to the final.

The leaders of the third middle school attach great importance to this. This is the only seedling of their third middle school. It must be taken care of. Regardless of going out for the exam, No. 3 Middle School sent two teachers to follow him.

Both are teachers of the competition class, one is a math teacher, Teacher Qi, and the other is a biology teacher in the second year of high school. Seeing Gu Nian and the two teachers entering the boarding gate, Gu Qingcheng's shoulders dropped: "Go back."

Zhang Yun was in a low mood: "She is really angry with us. You don't look back, she just left."

Gu Qingcheng: "Go back, how can the grievances of more than ten years dissipate in one go? You think how did I choose to do that in the first place? Now there is no way to remedy it."

Zhang Yun: "She has a stubborn temper, which is most like you. She doesn't look back if she doesn't hit the south wall."

Gu Qingcheng: "Let's go."

They specially asked for leave to take Gu Nian to the airport. Gu Nian was not close to them, and he didn't tell them even if he went to the winter camp. If the teacher hadn't contacted them, they wouldn't have known that the training camp would take so long.

It's just that they are still sad after seeing Gu Nian being so estranged from them. In the past, I only felt angry, but now that the anger has calmed down and I think about this relationship, I feel a dull pain in my heart.

On the way back, Gu Qingcheng and Zhang Yun contacted Yan Lichao. In front of Yan Lichao, Gu Qingcheng is not afraid of making a fool of himself, he tells the truth about everything, and Liu Hui is beside him to make suggestions, it can be said that Gu Nian's situation is well known to the Yan family.

Gu Nian didn't know that she was like a transparent person in front of the Yan family, and she was busy with her training now. Since she had fainted before, Teacher Qi and Teacher Liu paid special attention to her body.

As for the results, they are of course concerned, but Gu Nian's name is often like a flag on Mount Everest, and it has never fallen, so they are relieved.

There are eliminations in each round of exams, and in the end, only six people in the math group were selected for the national team. The biological group is even less, with only four places, and Gu Nian has two places alone.

The national team quota was obtained, the winter camp officially ended, and Gu Nian also set off back to H City.

Teacher Qi: "Going back just in time for the final exam, this time is really unfortunate."

In front of the teachers, Gu Nian was gentle: "The final exam is good, I'm hungry for the school's scholarship."

Teacher Wang rubbed Gu Nian's ponytail: "Xiao Cai fan, you won the first national championship this time, how the school will reward you."

Gu Nian's eyes were sparkling: "It's good, I like this feeling, making money by my own ability."

Teacher Qi also smiled: "IMO and IBO will be held in July next year. After you go back, your competition class will continue, so you can't relax."

Gu Nian shook his ponytail: "I know, I won't let it go."

With Jiang Chan's four gold medals hanging in front of him, Gu Nian dreams of getting his own gold medal, so how dare he give up at this time?

Teacher Qi: "The next semester is going to be divided into subjects. Which subject are you going to choose?"

Teacher Wang: "She has such good grades in science, should she choose science?"

Gu Nian: "Science, I plan to study finance in the future."

Jiang Chan was not surprised at all about Gu Nian's choice. This little girl has now got into Qian's eyes, and can't wait to put a lot of money into her arms. Not to mention, the appearance of this little money fan is indeed quite rare.

Teacher Qi and Teacher Wang both laughed: "That's I believe that you will definitely make your own career in the future."

The three of them walked out of the airport talking and laughing. When they saw Gu Qingcheng and his wife waiting there, the smile on Gu Nian's face slowly faded. Both Mr. Qi and Mr. Wang next to him naturally saw it, and they looked at each other and sighed silently.

Before leaving, Gu Qingcheng and his wife had deliberately approached them, just to ask them to take care of Gu Nian. As for the relationship between Gu Nian and them, although Gu Qingcheng and his wife said it vaguely, they also roughly guessed it.

Gu Nian is thinking about money so much, isn't he forced by them? It's just that as an outsider, there are some things they can't say, and they can only care more about Gu Nian's life.

Looking at Gu Nian standing in front of her, Zhang Yun pursed her lips, "Congratulations on winning the first national championship."

Gu Nian looked down at the clean floor tiles under his feet: "Well, it's just good luck."

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