The two of them were in the same group.

It was obvious that they were all in the same group.

The female gangster leader was afraid that delaying too long would cause trouble, so she quickly led a few girls to surround them and stretched out her hands to kidnap Lu Ge and Lu Di.

"Lu Di!"

Seeing this, Lu Ge just called Lu Di calmly.

The voice seemed to have magic power. Lu Di, who was originally so scared that his face turned pale, didn't know where he got the courage, and kicked the female gangster who was approaching.

The female gangster didn't expect Lu Di to resist, and she didn't expect Lu Di's kick to be so powerful that she kicked the female gangster several meters away.

Even after the female gangster rolled on the ground twice, she knelt on the ground with a pale face, holding her stomach and whimpering.


Seeing this, the female gangster leader's lewd and complacent expression instantly turned fierce, and she was about to slap Lu Di with a big slap like a palm leaf fan.

But Lu Di took a step back, and the slap passed by his eyes with a wind, and Lu Di raised his slender hand and slapped the female gangster in the face.


A crisp and loud slapping sound came, and a big red handprint was immediately slapped on the fat face of the female gangster.

Even the force of Lu Di taking the powerful pill made her turn uncontrollably twice before she collapsed on the ground.

"Big sister!"

Seeing this, the other two women who went to catch Lu Ge didn't care about tying Lu Ge, and turned around and ran to the female gangster leader to support and care.

"Damn it! Cripple them!"

The female gangster leader cursed incoherently, spewing out several broken teeth from her mouth, and blood gushed out while she spoke, looking at Lu Di fiercely.

Then she took out a knife from her pocket, and the others followed suit and took out their weapons, and rushed towards Lu Di under the guidance of the eldest sister.

But Lu Di was a little strange at this time, his eyes were a little scattered, facing the few people with knives, he was not afraid at all, dodging the knives that were slashing at him, and fighting back against them.

And other passers-by also slowly noticed the situation here, seeing several female gangsters surrounding two weak men and bullying them, they all surrounded them.

When seeing the extraordinary handsome looks of Lu Ge and Lu Di, many women were ready to come up and save the general.

But when they saw the female gangsters took out knives, they were immediately shocked by the bright knife light.

After all, compared with beauty, life is more precious.

However, some people kindly called the police, and some even raised their mobile phones to shoot videos.

Seeing that the two handsome boys were about to be bullied and hurt by the group of scum hooligans, they couldn't bear to watch.

But unexpectedly, Lu Di was like a male martial god, and he knocked the hooligans to the ground with his hands and feet!

The violent and beautiful beating made people love and fear!

"Yo, Lu Di did a good job!"

Lu Ge looked at the female hooligans who were knocked down by Lu Di alone, patted his shoulder with relief, and then gave the shopping bag in his hand back to him.


But Lu Di was a little confused at this time. Looking at his fair and delicate hands, and then looking at the bruised female hooligans lying on the ground, he couldn't believe that he was the one who beat them!

Although Lu Ge's hypnosis had blessed Lu Di's courage just now, Lu Di's consciousness was also awake during the period, and he could clearly feel the power of knocking them down.

But afterwards, his legs were weak and trembling.

He was a good student. He had never fought with others, and even rarely quarreled with others.

But he just knocked down these female hooligans without any pressure, which he himself could not believe.

Soon, the police aunt who received the alarm came over quickly, and was shocked to see the female hooligans lying on the ground and wailing.

However, they also took Lu Ge and others back to the police station to record their statements according to the procedures to understand the ins and outs of some things.

Through the description of the onlookers, and the fact that the female hooligans had criminal records, they confirmed that Lu Ge and Lu Di were victims. After recording the statements and letting Lu Ge and Lu Di sign them, they let them go back.

When Lu Ge sent Lu Di back to school, it happened that the students were studying.

"Go back and have a good rest, and remember to go to class tomorrow."

After Lu Ge gave a few instructions, he turned around and left the school.

Looking at Lu Ge's back as he left, Lu Di returned to his dormitory in a trance.

Too many things happened today, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

"Lu... Lu Di?"

When Lu Di returned to the dormitory, his roommate Fang Xiaohai

But he was a little afraid to recognize Lu Di.

After changing her hairstyle and taking off those ugly glasses, Lu Di's natural beauty made Fang Xiaohai's breath stagnate.

Before Lu Di could speak, Fang Xiaohai stood up in surprise and ran to the indoor balcony and shouted: "Zhong Tong! Lu Di is back!"

Zhong Tong, who was brushing his teeth and watching videos at the same time, happened to watch a video uploaded by netizens. Although the picture quality needs to be improved.

But after watching the boy in the video knock down those female hooligans by himself, he really admired him.

And the boy in the video was so handsome, but... why did he feel familiar? He also wanted to be friends with such a powerful boy.

Zhong Tong heard Fang Xiaohai's call, put away his phone and rinsed his mouth quickly, and was pulled out by Fang Xiaohai before he washed his face.

When he saw Lu Di in the dormitory, he also widened his eyes in shock.

He said why the boy in the video just now looked so familiar.

It turns out that the boy is the Lu Di in front of him who has changed his image!

At the same time, Chen Hailing, who had just returned to Kyoto by plane, accidentally clicked the Douyin video link pushed by the phone when she got her phone.

When she frowned and wanted to exit, the boy in the video who kicked down a female gangster attracted her attention.

"Is it him?"

Chen Hailing stared at Lu Di on the screen. The familiar handsome face and the powerful skills were very similar to the boy who appeared and saved her last night!

It's just... their figures seem to be a little different!

Chen Hailing watched the video several times and also noticed Lu Ge standing aside with a shopping bag in the video.

The similar appearance of the two made many netizens shout that brothers are competing with each other.

However, compared with Lu Ge standing aside and watching at a loss, Chen Hailing was more concerned about Lu Di, who was very skilled.

However, by comparison, she found that Lu Ge's figure seemed to be similar to the boy who saved her last night...

For a moment, Chen Hailing fell into deep thought. After a long time, she took out her mobile phone and called: "Director Lin, how is the investigation I asked you to do?"

"Ms. Chen, we checked the surveillance cameras near the scene of the incident and found two boys who fit your description. I will send you a video later..."

After the person on the phone hung up, he sent Chen Hailing several surveillance videos and screenshots.

Maybe it was because it was dark at the time, and there were only two old surveillance cameras nearby, the picture quality was very touching, but it was vaguely clear that the people in the surveillance were Lu Ge and Lu Di.

After watching it, Chen Hailing looked at the figures on the Douyin video and compared them.

She also confirmed that the boy who appeared to save her last night was most likely Lu Di or Lu Ge in the video.

But because of the skills shown by Lu Di, she was more inclined to think that the savior was Lu Di!

But to be on the safe side, she had to go back to Shanghai to confirm it!

After a while, the man named Lin Ju was very efficient and comprehensive, and he also sent Chen Hailing a copy of the information he had found about Lu Ge and Lu Di's background.

"Lu Ge? Lu Di? xx Middle School?"

After reading the information about Lu Ge and Lu Di, and the district where they were now, Chen Hailing was ready to return to Shanghai.

But her mother had already sent someone to pick her up, so she could only temporarily put aside her thoughts about Shanghai, thinking that after going back to see her mother, she would take a plane to Shanghai tomorrow!


On the other side, Lu Ge returned to the rental house, and after taking a shower, he lay down on the sofa and played with his phone.

He also quickly saw the video that was on the hot search, which was the video of Lu Di beating the female gangster.

Seeing this, Lu Ge thought it was a good traffic opportunity.

So he took a selfie as his avatar, and then appeared in the discussion of netizens as Lu Di's brother.

As expected, when seeing Lu Ge's breathtakingly handsome selfie pictures, many sexy girls quickly flocked to Lu Ge's homepage, bringing him many fans.

He also unlocked the fans' request for live broadcast. Next, as long as he posted a short video work, he could open the live broadcast permission after the review was passed.

So Lu Ge took the guitar he just bought this morning, sat on the sofa and recorded a video with his mobile phone.

Lu Ge simply played a few songs, saved them as videos, and posted them in his account.

Then Lu Ge didn't care and went back to his room to sleep.

As a result, when he woke up the next day and went to school, the whole school was in an uproar...

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