The matter was not resolved.

"To sum up, this matter has nothing to do with us!"

Lu Ge explained the incident calmly and clearly, regardless of the fact that it had nothing to do with him and Lu Di.

Even when the police aunt came to investigate later, they found the original evidence of the matter.

Han Lei was involved in bullying and was beaten seriously by his younger brother. In the end, Lu Di had nothing to do with the fight as a victim.

Because Lu Ge had no evidence to say that he participated in the bullying fight, he also left as the victim's family was fine.

But Han Lei's younger brothers who had helped the evil were taken back by the police aunt for processing.

However, because this incident involved Han Lei, the son of the deputy director of the Jiao Yu Bureau, it had a very bad impact. Now all the teachers and students in the school know about it and are talking about it.

Lu Ge calmly took Lu Di to his class teacher to ask for leave. After all, Lu Di was also beaten by Han Lei's younger brother and suffered some skin injuries.

Especially the small scratch on his face from the lens of the glasses, and the right face was a little red and swollen from the slap.

Lu Ge took him to the clinic outside to buy some disinfectant to wash, and then applied some ointment. The swelling will go down tomorrow.

During this period, Lu Di cooperated very well and followed Lu Ge's arrangements, but he always hesitated to speak.

After coming out of the clinic, Lu Di finally couldn't help it, and pulled Lu Ge's clothes and asked: "Brother, what's going on with Han Lei and them?"

Lu Di couldn't understand why Han Lei's younger brother would turn against Han Lei and beat him up!

And he clearly saw Lu Ge slapping Han Lei with a slap, and even Han Lei's three younger brothers saw it.

But in the end, they not only accused Lu Ge, but also claimed that they had beaten Han Lei's face.

Even the dean and the policewoman did not suspect that Lu Ge had done it!

"Who knows, maybe they were crazy."

Lu Ge spread his hands. He naturally would not explain to Lu Di the ability of succubus hypnosis. Few people would believe this unscientific ability.


Lu Di followed Lu Ge with some depression. He looked up at Lu Ge's straight back. With his keen intuition, he always felt that Lu Ge seemed to be a little different...

Lu Di touched his chin and thought, what was different about Lu Ge these two days?

But thinking about it, his eyebrows were twisted into a Sichuan character, because he was too fascinated, and he followed Lu Ge to the Magic City Cultural Plaza.

He didn't pay much attention to what he was thinking about. When he followed Lu Ge into the mall, he bumped into the transparent glass directly.


Lu Di squatted on the ground and cried a few times, holding his head in pain. His peach blossom eyes couldn't help but flash tears because of the pain.

Seeing this, the others turned their eyes to them.

When they saw Lu Ge, who was tall and handsome in front of them, their eyes lit up instantly.

When they saw Lu Di, who was thin and short behind Lu Ge, even though there were still some red marks on his face from being beaten today, he still couldn't hide his cute and lovely little appearance.

A tall, handsome, cold-faced, and aloof male god; a thin, soft, cute and delicate boy.

When they appeared together, all the women took a look and couldn't take their eyes off.

Especially Lu Ge and Lu Di have very similar facial features, and they are a pair of brother male gods!

Which woman can withstand the lethality of this brother male god?

Even if there are male companions pinching the soft flesh on their waists, they are still reluctant to look away.

Some women who couldn't control themselves even covered their noses to prevent the blood from gushing out, but they still couldn't bear to look away.

Lu Ge looked back at Lu Di, who was squatting on the ground and howling, with a dark face.

Didn't they say that Lu Di was a top student? How could he bump into such an obvious glass door?

"Lu Di, can you stop making yourself cry?"

Lu Ge looked at the people who kept coming around him, and his temples were throbbing. So Lu Ge directly reached out and lifted up Lu Di by the back of his collar, and carried him away.


Lu Di then noticed that he had come to such a gorgeous square. Because of financial constraints, he had never set foot in this mall that looked so big and luxurious.

The various shops around, the clothes, jewelry, toys... and other beautiful items inside, were dazzling in his eyes.

Even the floor tiles under his feet were so bright that he didn't dare to step on them again, for fear that his gray canvas shoes would dirty the floor.

"Brother... Brother! You brought me to this place...

What are you doing?"

Having never seen such a gorgeous place, Lu Di nervously pinched the corner of Lu Ge's clothes, especially when so many people around were looking at them.

Lu Di's nervous heart was about to jump out of his throat.

"Just shut up and follow."

Lu Ge didn't want to say more. After looking at the floor sign next to the elevator, he asked Lu Di to follow.

Then Lu Ge took Lu Di to a barber shop on the third floor, and without saying a word, asked Teacher Tony to change Lu Di's hairstyle with a micro-parted cap.

After changing his hairstyle, Lu Di's handsome and extraordinary appearance, coupled with his inherent bookish air and thin and soft delicate appearance.

Instantly made everyone in the barber shop stunned, and everyone stared at him and swallowed their saliva hungrily.

Feeling the gazes of the crowd, Lu Di remembered that when he was a child, a rich fat woman wanted to sexually harass him in the name of adoption, and his face changed. It looks ugly.

Lu Ge looked up and down at Lu Di, and he really looked better with a new hairstyle. At the same time, he also noticed the reactions of the people around him.

Sure enough, compared to Lu Ge, a tall and cold male god, Lu Di, a delicate and easy-to-bully boy, can arouse women's xp more.

"Brother... I... let's go back..."

Lu Di looked at Lu Ge with a trembling voice, and more and more people gathered outside.

Especially some people raised their mobile phones to take pictures of them. Lu Di had never experienced such a scene? He was so scared that he dared not stay any longer.

"What are you afraid of? Being handsome is your God-given advantage. Are you afraid of others seeing it? This kind of thing will be inevitable in the future. You have to get used to it!"

"And why are you so timid? Hold your head up and be more confident!"

"Also, you must always remember that you are my Lu Ge's little brother, you deserve the best treatment in the world, you should take it for granted! "

Lu Ge took Lu Di out of the barber shop, faced the hot eyes of the crowd, and walked to the clothing store not far away with Lu Di without changing his expression, while instilling new ideas into Lu Di.

They already have a perfect handsome face that can bring disaster to the country and the people, and they are afraid of being stared at?

In order to prevent Lu Di, a country bumpkin, from being deceived by the financial resources of that female president in the future, Lu Ge decided to let Lu Di improve his financial immunity.

The first step is to teach Lu Di how to spend money!

And the money he spends on Lu Di now is not worth mentioning compared to the 5,000 points of the side quest.

So Lu Ge transformed Lu Di from head to toe, from hairstyle to clothing, all according to the latest High-end models are for sale.

As the saying goes, clothes make the man, and saddles make the horse. After Lu Di was transformed from head to toe, he now has a 100% rate of turning heads when he walks on the street.

He even achieved the realm of "everyone loves him, flowers bloom when he sees him, and cars burst tires when he sees him."

Lu Ge looked at Lu Di, who had soft eyebrows and a picturesque face. His facial features were 90% similar to his, exuding a soft yet profound beauty, and a graceful scholarly temperament.

It reminded Lu Ge of himself in the previous world, and this temperament and appearance were almost exactly the same!

Lu Ge even suspected that the body he traveled through in the previous world was Lu Di's!

"Brother, you... where did you get so much money? "

Lu Di looked at the receipt handed over by the counter attendant. He actually spent hundreds of thousands of RMB on the clothes he bought.

Plus the famous watch and backpack Lu Ge bought him just now... the total amount was nearly one million. This number almost scared Lu Di to death!

But Lu Ge didn't even blink, and swiped the card to pay without hesitation.


He finally knew what was different about Lu Ge now!

Lu Ge's neat and tidy card swiping behavior, the luxurious temperament like aristocrats [commonly known as nouveau riche].

The calm and confident look, the deep eyes and the coldness that emanated from his body...

How could this be his previous "bad" brother who skipped classes, didn't study, had a bad temper and fought?

The Lu Ge in front of him made him strange and familiar, but there was a firm voice in his heart telling him that his brother Lu Ge should be like this.

"Don't worry, all this money is earned legally by your brother. "

Lu Ge patted Lu Di's shoulder calmly and asked him to keep up.

", how did you make money? Even if you said you won a million in the lottery, I would have believed you.

But...but look at the price of these things, it's almost a million!

No, brother, I'd better take it back and return it, it's too expensive. "It's not worth so much money even if I sell it!

Lu Di carefully carried the items that Lu Ge bought for him, fearing that they would be broken or dirty and suffer heavy losses!

"Su Yunyin, you know?"

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