Su Mixue is the Crown Princess, and she came to Xihe Town secretly. After her identity was exposed in Xinghua Village, there was an endless stream of people visiting her.

She lives in a house prepared by a wealthy gentry.

Carved beams and painted buildings, pavilions, rockeries and trees create a scene at every step.

The house is very quiet, but not wealthy.

In the main courtyard where Su Mixue lives, there is a Duobao Pavilion, which is full of antique jades.

She was sitting next to her desk. On the table were various famous people's dharma stickers, several expensive inkstones, and pen holders all carved from jade. Next to the window, there was a milky white Ru kiln vase with a few delicate peonies inserted in it, which made her beautiful face look beautiful.

Qing Huan hurried in and was stunned for a moment when she saw this painting-like scene. She thought of something important and quickly broke this quiet and beautiful scene.

"Princess, Gu Jingyun's rank has not been removed. Dean Lin of Xihe Academy personally sent him to Xinghua Village to reward him with twenty taels of silver. I have inquired about it, and there was no such thing as rewarding him with twenty taels of silver in previous years." Qing Qing Huan said angrily: "Dean Lin deliberately slapped you in the face. This matter cannot be let go like this. If word spreads, even a mere teacher can lose your face. How can you deter others?"

Su Mixue's expression suddenly changed, "Does he know my identity?"

Seeing that Su Mixue looked wrong, Qing Huan panicked and said quickly: "The slave sent a message to someone. That person can't handle things. It's your intention to reveal it. Xihe Academy has promised well and will definitely remove Gu Jingyun." Come down, who knows they will go back on their word?”

Su Mixue suddenly picked up an inkstone and threw it at Qing Huan.


Qing Huan covered her forehead, blood dripped from her palms, and tears rolled down from the pain.

"It's not enough to succeed, but it's easy to ruin! You leaked this palace to let everyone know that the majestic Crown Princess of Zhou knelt down in Xihe Town and asked others to replace others? Are you trying to kill her? My wife!" Su Mixue was going crazy, her brain was throbbing with pain. She held her forehead and gritted her teeth and said, "Do you know who Dean Lin is? As the former chief assistant, the emperor arranged for him to be cultivated in the Hanlin Academy, and he would join the cabinet and become the chief assistant in the future. However, he was a very upright person and did not covet fame, wealth and power. His only ambition was to teach and educate people, so the emperor assigned him to teach at Xihe Academy. "

"Such a person has a strong character and is not afraid of power. You let others do something, and you alarmed him!" The more Su Mixue said, the more angry she wanted to vomit blood, and she pressed her aching heart: "You won't go to the county magistrate, just directly Put pressure on the person in charge of marking papers to replace Gu Jingyun’s papers? "

Qing Huan's face turned pale, and she knelt down on the ground, kowtowing and saying: "Prince Princess, calm down, I'm not doing my job well, please spare me this time!"

Su Mixue was afraid that Dean Lin would write this matter into a memorial and submit it to the palace.

Although the regent will try his best to protect her, he will give her a bad reputation.

Especially the prince will hate her even more, right?

Every time she faced Su Wan, it was difficult for her to stay rational.

Su Mixue felt regretful every time she thought about the last time she knelt down.

"The Crown Princess, the former Chief Assistant is in Xihe Town and lives in the Lin Mansion." Qing Huan dismissed the merit and told Su Mixue the information she found: "He has a relationship with the Dingyuan Marquis Mansion. You can go and visit. This matter was wiped out.”

Su Mixue's heart moved.

Seeing that Su Mixue was thinking, Qing Huan bit her lip and said, "This slave thinks that you are the crown princess of a country, the future queen, and that you have a distinguished status. In the entire Great Zhou Kingdom, except for members of the royal family, all the other subjects are shocked when they see you. You must be polite. If the eldest lady treats you like that, you can justly accuse her of contempt for the emperor and kill her."

Why doesn't Su Mixue want to do this?

Once she does this, the prince will not be able to spare her.

So she compromised and let the prince know that Su Wan had a very unruly personality. Su Wan's bullying of her was a slap in the face of the prince and the royal family.

As the saying goes: When beating a dog, it depends on the owner.

"I have to think about it again." Su Mixue took her mother's route, but this route was obviously not feasible with Su Wan. She suddenly made up her mind and walked towards the inner room: "I am going to visit the former Chief Minister. You go and prepare a gift."

"Yes." Qing Huan stood up and left in a hurry, ordering people to prepare the carriage and prepare generous gifts.

Su Mixue changed her clothes and came out of the clean room.

A hand locked around her throat and threw her against the wall.

Su Mixue saw clearly that the person holding her throat was Su Wan.

She couldn't breathe smoothly and grabbed Su Wan's hand in pain, with fear in her eyes.

"Su Mixue, you provoke me everywhere, do you think I dare not do anything to you?" Su Wan's face was filled with frost and she tightened her fingers.

Su Mixue's neck felt like it was about to be strangled. She wanted to say something, but there was only a whooshing sound in her throat. The air in her chest was evacuated. The fear of dying came over her. She struggled desperately and couldn't get away. Su Wan's shackles.

"I'll break your neck, and everything you've gained will be wasted." Su Wan saw her face gradually becoming panicked, her eyes pleading, and she said coldly: "The things I threw away. I won't pick it up again. I will chop off the hands of anyone who dares to grab my things. You should never attack my people. I am here to give you dirty hands. A lesson for next time..."

Su Wan's eyes glared fiercely, and she threw Su Mixue to the ground.

"I won't spare you!"

Su Mixue lay on the ground, coughing heartbreakingly, like a fish out of water, desperately opening her mouth to breathe.

When she recovered, she opened her mouth to call someone.

Su Wan pinched her chin, poured a packet of medicinal powder into her mouth, picked up the teapot and poured water into her mouth.

Su Mixue's pupils shrank and she struggled desperately. Su Wan lifted her chin and swallowed the powdered water in her mouth.

Su Wan threw away the kettle and clapped her hands, "Don't even think about asking people to arrest me or make me unhappy. If you don't get the antidote, you're going to have your intestines broken."

Su Mixue picked her throat, trying to spit out the swallowed powder.

He retched for a long time and only spit out a little water.

Su Mixue's eyes were red and she glared at Su Wan with hatred, wanting to fight Su Wan at all costs.

But Su Wan's life was not worth her efforts!

"Su Wan, I am the Crown Princess. Aren't you afraid that I will chop off your head?" Su Mixue wanted to crush Su Wan to ashes.

"With you by my side on the Huangquan Road, I won't be lonely." Su Wan looked fearless.

Su Mixue wanted to tear Su Wan's face apart.

Su Wan glanced at Su Mixue, who dared to be angry but dared not do anything, and sneered coldly. Those who are soft are afraid of being hard, and those who are hard are afraid of losing their lives.

Su Mixue was afraid of death, so Su Wan didn't take her seriously.

She was about to return to where she was when a servant's greeting came from outside the house: "Your Highness the Crown Prince."

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