Since ancient times, we have been most afraid of those with high achievements.

Gu Huaizhi wanted to make the royal family feel at ease.

His achievements, his character, and the sons he fathered were by no means mediocre.

Because of brotherly love, Ji Shuo would not be afraid of him or restrict him.

But it's hard to predict whether the next emperor will also trust the Gu family and be willing to reuse the Gu family. Whenever the emperor has other ideas, it will be a disaster for the Gu family.

If Gu Huaizhi had only one daughter, the situation would be different.

Especially if Gu Baozhu marries Ji Shuo, I am afraid that Gu Huaizhi will not have another child.

People's hearts are unpredictable.

The Empress Dowager originally liked Gu Baozhu, but she also had a lot of scruples that prevented her from thinking about making them a couple. Now that Ji Shuo was talking about this, what else could she say?

"Marrying a wife means living with you, you can make your own decision." The Empress Dowager did not interfere much.

"My dear, thank you, Queen Mother." Ji Shuo showed a happy smile, showing the vitality he deserved at his age.

The corners of the Queen Mother's lips slowly raised, revealing a shallow smile.

That's all, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings.


The next day, at dawn, Gu's mother had just finished breakfast and packed her things to set off. At this time, an imperial edict came from the palace, appointing Gu Baozhu as his fiancée, and the wedding date was chosen by the Qintian Supervisor.

After a night of digestion, Gu's mother accepted the matter and was sincerely happy. She gave the servant a generous reward and sent him out respectfully.

She said to Gu Baozhu, who was holding the imperial edict: "You will come with me to Xinghua Village this time, and then come to Beijing after the wedding date is down."

Gu Baozhu opened her mouth to agree, but thinking of Ji Shuo's words, she whispered: "Mom, he said he would send someone to take me to Beijing after the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"Young girls can't help themselves." Gu's mother teased Gu Baozhu, "Have you packed everything?"


Gu's mother nodded and said to Su Wan: "When you have time, come to Xinghua Village to stay for a while. If you get busy, ask someone to bring Jiaojiao to me."

"Grandma, I will miss you." Gu Jiaojiao said sweetly, "I will visit you often."

"Okay, okay, grandma will buy you some snacks." Gu's mother hugged Gu Jiaojiao, kissed and praised her, and took her with her for several years. When they were parted, she felt very reluctant to part with her. She wiped her tears and said, "Grandma also often Come and see Jiaojiao.”

Tears welled up in Gu Jiaojiao's dark and translucent eyes. She hugged Gu's mother and said softly, "After I learn medical skills from my mother, I will live with you in Xinghua Village and take care of you."

These words made Gu's mother almost burst into tears that she had been holding back.

Mother Gu didn't like the sadness of parting, so she let go of Gu Jiaojiao, and took Gu Baozhu and Mrs. Su into the carriage with her baggage.

Madam Su wanted to visit Xinghua Village, where Su Wan lived and where she became famous.

Su Wan took Gu Jiaojiao's hand and walked them to the door, watching the carriage slowly drive away.

Gu Jiaojiao shook Su Wan's arm: "Mom, when will we return to Xinghua Village?"

"Go back in two days." Su Wan pinched her chubby cheeks: "Do you recognize all the herbs?"

"I recognized it all when I was three years old!"

"Are you able to memorize the medicinal properties?"

"Recite it like a stream!"

"Recite it to me."

"..." Gu Jiaojiao said crisply: "Mom, please give birth to a little brother or sister!"

"Aren't you afraid of sharing favors?"

Gu Jiaojiao pouted, "That's not sharing favors, that's sharing my nightmares. One more person will torture you!"

"Mom just likes you and doesn't want to see you again. You just have to accept my mother's deep love for you." Su Wan picked up Gu Jiaojiao and said with a smile, "Let's go to the study to endorse."

Gu Jiaojiao saw her father coming back and shouted: "Dad! Dad! Help me!"

"Your mother is just teasing you." Gu Huaizhi walked over and took Gu Jiaojiao from Su Wan's hand: "We are leaving today to return to Xinghua Village."

Su Wan was stunned: "Didn't you say that it would take two days?"

"I have never accompanied you mother and daughter on a long trip. Let's take our time to travel back and arrive at Xinghua Village in time for the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Gu Jiaojiao jumped for joy.

Su Wan also thought this was a good idea, so she immediately packed up her suitcases and set off together.

Little did they know that Gu Baozhu was elected as the queen. Although people in the capital felt sorry for her, they had already accepted her fate. There was a boy in the family who was about the same age as Gu Jiaojiao and set his sights on her.


Mid-Autumn Festival, a day for family reunion.

Gu Huaizhi, Su Wan, and Gu Jiaojiao's family took a carriage to Xinghua Village.

They didn't notify Mother Gu in advance because they wanted to give them a surprise.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the village. Gu Huaizhi got out of the carriage first, carried Su Wan out of the carriage, and then took Gu Jiaojiao down.

Gu Jiaojiao came to Xinghua Village for the first time. She looked around curiously and found that the entire village was dotted with courtyards with blue bricks and white walls. It doesn't look like a village at all, and it's richer than some of the small towns along the way.

She marveled in her heart that these changes were all due to her mother's influence, and she admired her mother even more in her heart.

"Huaizhi? Wanwan?" When the neighbors came back from working in the fields and saw this family of three, they didn't dare to recognize them.

"Sister-in-law Lin." Gu Huaizhi and Su Wan responded.

"Oh, it's really you!" Sister-in-law Lin looked at Gu Jiaojiao with a smile on her face: "The little girl is Jiaojiao, right? She's so pretty. Your father talks about her in the village all day long. Today When I saw it, she looked like a little fairy girl.”

"Aunt, my grandfather rarely sees me, but in his heart I am the best." Gu Jiaojiao smiled sweetly and said, "My parents said that Xinghua Village is now prosperous and lives a better life than many people in the capital. Today I See, it’s true.”

When Sister-in-law Lin heard that their life was better than that of some people in the capital, she smiled from ear to ear. She took out a handful of dried fruits from her pocket and stuffed them into Gu Jiaojiao's hands: "Stay here longer, come to my aunt." Eat at home.”

"Thank you, aunt, I will go!" Gu Jiaojiao put the dried fruits in her pocket.

Sister-in-law Lin exchanged a few pleasantries and went home with her hoe. When she met some neighbors on the road, she announced that Gu Huai's family of three was back. The little girl in his family was plump and beautiful, and her mouth was as sweet as honey. If you give up Su Wan, you will be a blessed person from now on.

To her neighbors, Su Wan was the God of Wealth who made them rich. When she heard that she was back, she was so enthusiastic about bringing food from home to the Gu family.

Gu Huaizhi and Su Wan didn't know that they originally wanted to surprise Gu's mother, but they didn't know that there was a bigger surprise waiting for them at home.

The family of three walked slowly to the door of Gu's courtyard. The neighbors came out after putting things away at Gu's house, greeted Su Wan and Gu Huaizhi, and praised Gu Jiaojiao.

"Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. It's time for dinner. You should hurry in and eat. Our neighbors won't disturb your family's reminiscing about old times. The village will host a banquet tomorrow and treat your family to dinner."

"Huaizhi would like to thank all the villagers here." Gu Huaizhi thanked him and watched the villagers leave.

Su Wan and Gu Jiaojiao pushed open the courtyard door, and the scene in the courtyard came into view unexpectedly. The family of three stopped at the door.


The author has something to say:

If nothing else, it will be finished in just one chapter. Ruanbao will not go into details about the emotional dramas of other supporting characters. There are too many characters. It is enough for everyone to know that they are all perfect, okay~

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