However, He Shanchuan's request was not excessive.

The only difficult thing to do, Chen Liang, has also been solved, and then he can start building the road.

The next day, Chen Liang beat the gongs and drums 'bang bang bang' and gathered all the people in the village to the drying yard.

Standing on the steps, facing the curious and confused gazes of the villagers, he coughed lightly and said, "To call everyone here today, there is something to announce."

"What's the matter, it's so early in the morning, I'm freezing to death."

Chen Liang glared at the man and said, "Of course it's a good thing, if you're not happy, then go back and bake your fire."

"I was just joking, uncle, don't mind." The man quickly changed his smile. Hearing it was a good thing, he became excited and didn't feel cold anymore, and urged him, "What a good thing, uncle, hurry up. talk."

Everyone hurriedly asked him to speak, and they also discovered that not only the village chief Chen Liang was present on the drying field, but even Mr. Liu and the others were there.

This is strange, what good things come to them, who have never liked to go out?

Chen Liang glanced around, and then said loudly, "Our village, we are going to build a road."

"What, repair the road?"

There was a buzzing noise underneath, and everyone began to whisper.

Someone couldn't help but ask, "Village chief, what's going on with the road construction? Did the yamen repair the village for us? Who paid for it?"

"Yeah, do we have to send someone from each family to work? Is there any salary?"

"I can't go without wages. Our family has a lot of work to do."

There are different ideas below. When it comes to building bridges, roads and dams these days, the first thing that comes to mind is labor.

The first emperor was ignorant, and it was the people below who suffered.

The magistrate of this term is not bad, but the magistrate of the previous term was not a good person. Many people in their village died of exhaustion in the past.

Therefore, people are very resistant to building roads or something.

Seeing that the villagers' thoughts were all wrong, Chen Liang quickly said, "Be quiet first, be quiet, this road construction is not an order from the yamen, it is the benevolence of the Gu family, who paid for our village to build an avenue."

The drying field was really quiet, and everyone looked at Gu Yundong who was standing not far from the village chief in disbelief.

Gu family... pay?

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up. Gu family paid for it, so it was definitely not a labor service.

Whoops, isn't that a good thing?

Someone asked eagerly, "Girl Gu, how can we repair this road? Can we repair it in front of our house? Let me tell you, the road in front of our house is full of potholes. When it rains, when you step on it, halfway through it. Every shoe has to sink in."

Gu Yundong glanced at the man, oh, isn't that the aunt who urinated and urinated in her carriage passing by their door? You really have the face to say.

But before she could say anything, someone immediately replied, "What is there to repair in front of your house? Didn't you listen to what the village chief said? Repairing the avenue, as narrow as your doorway, can it be regarded as an avenue? Your house was demolished."

"Why can't it be counted? The road in our house can also allow carriages to pass, and the carriage of the girl from the Gu family often passes by our door. The road in our house is the main road of the village, and it cannot be separated from anywhere."

As she spoke, she was still a little complacent.

"Girl Gu, since you are so generous and benevolent, why don't you tidy up the outer wall of our house when building the road."

Chen Liang frowned, somewhat regretting what he just said.

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