Bian Han's face suddenly twisted, "Ah..." screamed in pain.

But soon, he blinked in surprise, as if it didn't hurt that much.

Could it be that he has put too much pressure on himself recently, but he was thinking too terrifyingly, but it wasn't that painful?

Gu Yundong, who was outside, became nervous when he heard the call, and almost rushed in.

Fortunately, the voice in the back was much lower, and there was no other sound, so she was relieved.

Time passed little by little, Aunt Niu came over with hot tea, and Gu Yundong sat outside in the main room and drank two cups. Only occasionally I could hear Doctor Xiong's voice, Bian Han's whimper, and Gu Dafeng's soothing voice, but Shao Qingyuan's voice was not heard.

It was not until noon that the door in front of him was reopened.

Gu Yundong stood up immediately, looked at Shao Qingyuan who came out first, and asked, "How?"

"It's alright." Doctor Xiong waved his hand, "Just take care of it, don't move around, eat something good. Make some bone broth for him to drink. By the way, don't make wood carvings for the time being. I will come over these two days to change the splint and medicine for him."

"Thank you, Doctor Bear."

Tong Shuitao brought hot water for him to clean his hands again. After wiping, he drank a cup of hot tea, and Doctor Xiong left.

Gu Yundong only went in and looked at Bian Han. At this moment, he was lying on the bed all over, with splints on his legs, and his body was stiff and unable to move.

Gu Dafeng praised him from the side, "You didn't scream loudly just now. I thought you were so in pain that you couldn't scream. It turns out that it didn't hurt much. In this way, Qingyuan is still very powerful, and his unique technique didn't make you suffer too much."

Gu Yundong, "..." Deeply hides merit and fame.

It's okay, she has to be strong, even though the credit goes to Shao Qingyuan, the husband and wife are one and the same.

Bian Han was a little embarrassed to be said, but deep down he also felt that this was the reason why Shao Qingyuan took advantage of his distraction.

It is to cure that the legs are a little sleepy, but they are a little painful. I want to sleep and can't fall asleep.

Gu Yundong didn't bother them anymore, and went out of the room quietly.

She went back to her room, where Yang's and Yun Ke were waiting for news.

Hearing that it was all right, the two cheered instantly, and the mother and daughter hugged each other tightly, smiling silly.

Gu Yundong laughed, but some of the haze in his heart disappeared.

After Shao Qingyuan sent Dr. Xiong away, he also hurried away.

Gu Yundong knew that he was going to Niu Zhuang, and began to study the matter of cowpox vaccination.

Shao Qingyuan really asked all the peasant women in the Niu Zhuang, not all of them had cowpox, but those who did, had never contracted smallpox.

There was even a peasant woman who said that she took care of her daughter, who had been undressed and took care of smallpox a few years ago, but she was not infected and has been healthy until now.

After Shao Qingyuan heard this, the thoughts in his heart became firmer.

Ah Zhu, who followed him, didn't understand at first, but after hearing the son's explanation, his eyes lit up.

"You mean, vaccinating cowpox can really prevent smallpox?"

"I'm not sure yet, it's just speculation at the moment. After I know more about a few companies, I'll have to test it, but..."

How to experiment, that's the question.

Even if it can be inoculated with animals in the early stage, what about the latter? Who would be the first to be vaccinated with cowpox?

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