Bian Yuanzhi raised his head and saw his mother-in-law walk in with a blushing face.

She was carrying a bag in her left hand and a basket in her right hand, not knowing what was inside.

With a smile on his face, he hurriedly ran over, "Mother, you're finally back."

The smile on Gu Dafeng's face was huge, she rubbed her son's small head forcefully, and said to Gu Dajiang and Gu Yundong who also came out, "Big brother, Yundong, here, this is meat, burn this for dinner at night. "

Gu Dajiang's footsteps stopped, and he frowned slightly, "What's wrong with your throat?"

Gu Dafeng coughed gently, her throat was really uncomfortable, and her voice was hoarse.

Gu Yundong had already guessed it, he must have been shouting too hard, and as a result, his throat was broken.

Hey, she should have thought of it earlier and forgot to remind her.

Who would have known that Auntie was so conscientious and had to wait until she couldn't make a sound before stopping.

"My throat is fine, I'll just drink more hot water." Gu Dafeng waved his hand indifferently, she was full of strength now. What is the throat? She doesn't know.

Gu Yundong stepped forward, took the basket in Gu Dafeng's hand, opened the cloth covering it, and found that in addition to a piece of meat, there was also a pot of flowers, which must have been given to her by the mother and daughter of Xiaoyuan.

"This meat has to weigh two pounds, right? Auntie, are you doing well today?"

Gu Dafeng laughed, seeing that Bian Han had already been carried out by Lu Sheng. She walked mysteriously to the main room and took off the burden on her back.

"I tell you, my business is very good today, and more than half of the wood carvings have been sold."

She said, opened the burden, and saw that there were only a few wooden sculptures left inside, and they were all quite small.

Immediately after, Gu Dafeng digged and digged on his body again, took out a cloth bag, then opened the cloth bag, and took out a money bag from inside.

The money bag was quite heavy and heavy, and when it was bumped lightly, it rattled, and as soon as I heard it, I knew it was full of copper plates.

Gu Dafeng excitedly opened the cloth bag and poured out all the copper plates inside.

With a sound of 'crashing', the copper plate covered most of the table.

Several children on the side exclaimed, "Wow, a lot of money."

Gu Dafeng said proudly, "I made seven hundred cents today, and there are a lot of people in this city. As soon as I sat in the market and the hawking sounded, a lot of people came over. And they were all very rich. , Except for a few people who haggled a few times, everyone else bought what they liked when they saw it."

She looked very emotional, "It's just that the vendors next to them are working too hard, and their voices are really loud. It's not easy for everyone to live."

Gu Yundong, "..."

Auntie, don't do this tomorrow, she is afraid that someone will say that she regards the flower and bird market as a vegetable market.

But others agreed with Gu Dafeng's words. Several children had already started counting with their coins.

Only Gu Dajiang frowned, "The voice is loud, so you also shout? Then you don't have to work so hard. You can't even talk tomorrow, how can you sell wood carvings?"

Gu Yundong laughed dryly, Dad, you are wrong, it wasn't the aunt who shouted after others, it was others who shouted after the aunt. This was driven by the aunt.

Gu Dafeng was struck by lightning after listening to Gu Dajiang's words, yes, she was too excited to forget about it just now.

My voice is broken, how will I do business tomorrow?

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