Wei Lan didn't like her very much, but he didn't dare to offend her.

Three owners, balance is very important, if she breaks this balance, I am afraid that she will not be able to stay here.

With a sigh in his heart, Wei Lan took the menu to the back kitchen and asked people to quickly prepare it.

When it was done, she went over with the tray in person.

The round-faced girl arranged Gu Yundong's group in a private room with carpets and tangrams and other toys.

As soon as Gu Yundong entered, he regretted it.

This is suitable for Coco's age. These two are a little older after reading books...

As soon as the idea came to an end, they saw Yun Shu and Yuan Zhi happily enter, and then started to play with the tangrams.

"I've solved this nine-link chain several times."

"Then why are you still playing?"

"I want to challenge the speed, I want to see how quickly I can untie it. The last time I saw Master, it took less than half a cup of tea, I want to be faster than him, and then I can go and chat in front of the Master."

Gu Yundong, "..." Your ambition is really great.

"This private room is really nice." After the round-faced girl left, Aunt Gu felt much more at ease.

She looked at the private room and liked it very much.

Especially seeing the two children playing on the carpet made her even more satisfied.

Gu Yundong sat with her on the sofa beside her, "This is just one of the types. When the day closes here, I will take my aunt to turn all the private rooms."

"Where can I use it?"

"Of course, after all, I haven't actually seen it yet."

Aunt Gu pointed at her with a smile, "So you want to go by yourself."

The two kids playing over there also heard, "We're going too."

"You are going back to the county in a few days, so there is no chance."

Yun Shu hurriedly stood up, "It's better to hit the sun if you choose another day, just today. Let's wait here until closing time, and then look at each room."

"..." You are really on a whim, "I think about..."

Mainly because Su Qing was just resting today, and no one else in the shop knew her. The old women in the kitchen had met before, after all, she taught them how to make milk tea.

Just not very convenient.

And the shop closed relatively late, they didn't tell the family when they came out today, for fear that the family would be worried.

Just as he was thinking, there was a knock on the door of the private room.

Gu Yundong raised his head, "Come in."

Wei Lan opened the door, walked in with a tray in hand, put the things on the table with a smile, and then said, "This is the milk tea and osmanthus tea osmanthus cake ordered by the guest, and the double skin milk and the other two snacks need a little more. Wait a moment."

"Thank you." Gu Yundong smiled and nodded to her.

Wei Lan exited, and only paused after leaving the door, then turned to look at the closed door.

There are very few ladies who come here to say thank you.

They are used to being served by the people around them, and have taken it for granted.

this girl...

The smile is also good-looking, and the voice is also very nice, especially the thank you, which made her feel sore and sore that she was recognized.

Wei Lan felt that this girl was not at all like what Xiaoyi said. She was a shabby housekeeper who didn't know how to behave and could only be rude. She even had an aura about her that was stronger than their young lady.

Wei Lan walked back to the counter again, and Xiaoyi came over again, "How is it? Let me tell you, they are in the box, are they looking around like they have never seen the world?"

The explosion is over, good night everyone

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