Qin Shu poured the water over and told them to sit for a while before going out to find Langzhong.

Dai Yi went with him, and not long after, a limping Langzhong came over.

In fact, Dai Zhong is much better. Shao Qingyuan's treatment was timely, and the medicine he used was correct. Now he is no longer dizzy, but his skin is still red, swollen and uncomfortable.

Lang Zhong looked at it, and only said that there was no serious problem, let him rest well, and then left after receiving two pennies.

Qin Shu was very happy and let them sit first and go to the kitchen to make dinner by themselves.

Only then did Dai Yi tell what he saw all the way when he went to invite Langzhong just now. Indeed, as Qin Shu said, this place is surrounded by mountains, and there is only one road out of the village.

"This belongs to Shuanglu County. It takes nearly three hours to go to the nearest Anbei Town, and it will be even farther to go to the county seat. And there is no carriage in this village, even if we want to buy it, we can't do it."

When Qin Shu came over, he heard these words, and he said, "There is no horse-drawn carriage in our village, but the village chief has an ox carriage. After dinner, I'll borrow it for you."

"it is good."

Qin Shu was very happy to be able to help them. He talked a lot. When eating, he was very curious to ask them where they came from, what the outside county was like, have you been to the capital, and have you seen them before? big shot.

He had a lot of questions, and the yearning he revealed made Gu Yundong think of Yunshu.

The cloud book when he was still in Gujiatun was also full of longing and curiosity about the outside world.

Therefore, she would go back to Qin Shu if she could.

Qin Shu was really satisfied, and after eating, he took a few people to the village chief's house.

Gu Yundong already knew that Qin Shu lost his parents since he was a child. His father died early, and his mother remarried. It is said that he left Qinnan Village and went outside. No one knows where he is now.

Perhaps, this is also one of the reasons why Qin Shu is curious about the outside world.

Qin Shu grew up eating food from a hundred families, and because he was from the Qin family, the village chief took good care of him.

The village chief already knew that Qin Shu had brought a few lost strangers from the deep mountains. The village was so big, and everyone would know about it with a little bit of trouble.

Compared to Qin Shu's pure enthusiasm, the village chief obviously had to be much more cautious.

He looked at the three people standing in front of him. Although they were all wearing ragged clothes, it was not difficult to see that these three people were all very good people.

Especially Deven Huo, whose style is more noble than the young master of the big family he had seen in the county before.

The village chief looked at him, but he became uncomfortable, and moved his body slightly before he controlled his urge not to stand up and give up his seat to a few people.

He coughed lightly and asked, "Do you want to borrow an ox cart to go to the county seat?"

"Yes." It was Devinho who spoke, "Don't worry, the village chief, we will not borrow for nothing, and the money we should give will not be small."

Gu Yundong stroked his forehead, Young Master, you are too direct.

The village chief moved his body uncomfortably, "It's not impossible for you to borrow an ox cart, but who will drive the car? Originally, my son could take you there, but he just happened to be unwell for the past two days and couldn't go out. ."

Qin Shu on the side said immediately, "I can send them there."

The village chief glanced at him, and said a little sadly, "You? Are you sure?"

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