Um? next month? Is it that fast?

Gu Yundong was in a trance only to realize that time had passed by in a flash, and it would be almost a year since she arrived at Yongfu Village.

"Miss, you're home." Tong Shuitao's voice came from outside.

Gu Yundong raised his eyes to look at Shao Qingyuan who was still waiting for his answer, smiled and jumped off the carriage, "Help me bring Da Hei in."

Shao Qingyuan laughed. He actually resented that time passed too slowly. He felt that such a big house was too deserted to build, and the family lacked a mistress. It would be nice if he could get married soon.

He got out of the car and carried Da Hei off the carriage.

Tong Ping had already said about Gu Yundong's return, so Mrs. Tong and her daughter-in-law prepared the room early.

As soon as Gu Yundong entered the door, he instantly felt that the whole person was relaxed.

She put away all the things she brought from Fucheng, and when she saw Shao Qingyuan came in with Da Hei in her arms, she immediately got busy and made a nest for him.

Father Tong wanted to take over, but Da Hei had just arrived in an unfamiliar place and was a little uneasy, his whole body was on guard and he kept shrinking back.

Gu Yundong could only let Father Tong go out first, saying that he would do it with Shao Qingyuan.

At present, the conditions are limited. Gu Yundong thought about getting it a simple shelter first, and then looking for a carpenter to build a wooden house for Da Hei. How can it be said that it will be a member of the family from now on and must be taken care of.

Shao Qingyuan glanced at Da Hei with some envy, and he also wanted to have a nest - a nest like a quilt.

He turned around and went out to get a big basket. There seems to be one in the backyard, which should be temporarily used for Da Hei to sleep.

Just as he walked out the door, he saw Tong An hurried over.

He heard that Gu Yundong was back, so he rushed over to report his work.

Just before entering the door, I heard a voice from outside, "Is this the Gu family? We are here to find a job."

Shao Qingyuan immediately guessed that it was the previous mother and son, and even said to Tong An, "Go and have a look, if it's not suitable, just send it away."

Tong An was stunned for a moment, then turned away subconsciously.

After just walking a few steps, I felt something strange, how could I listen to what Young Master Shao meant, as if I really hoped that the person who came was not suitable?

However, Tong An also felt it was inappropriate. He had released news about the recruitment the day before yesterday, and it had ended yesterday.

The other party only came today, which makes people feel that they don't take it seriously.

Tong An's first impression was not good, but he didn't expect the other party to be a scholar.

In the end, talent is rare, and the workshops are filled with peasants, but few are literate. The other party is a scholar, and Tong An feels that he can still consider it appropriately. If he really stays, maybe their workshop will attract more learned people in the future.

Gu Yundong naturally heard the cry, but she ignored it.

It was agreed that the first round of recruitment was handed over to Tong An, even if the other party was a learned scholar, she did not intend to intervene.

If Xiucai has passed the level of Tong An, Gu Yundong will take another look.

She just took the basket that Shao Qingyuan handed over. The basket was huge and not tall, so even Da Hei's size could fit it completely.

Gu Yundong put a layer of old and unused quilts and clothes underneath, all clean and soft inside.

She stretched out her hand and tried it out. She felt it was okay, so she let Da Hei in.

Unexpectedly, a sharp cry suddenly came from outside at this time.

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