The tenant said, "These two beasts have taken a fancy to the medicinal materials in our medicine garden and want to sneak over to pick them up. But there are three big dogs guarding them in the medicine garden. They know that they can't get it easily, so they use it. Three indiscriminate methods."

The two little thieves clearly had a plan.

One deliberately lured Yuan Cheng and the dog away, and slipped them away from the medicine garden.

Then another one came in to steal the medicinal materials, but who knew that Yuan Cheng and the two dogs were gone, but Da Hei was still conscientiously guarding and refusing to leave.

The little thief was ruthless in his heart, but he didn't dare to approach even if there was a big black.

Da Hei is so ferocious that the barking of a dog can make people wet their pants.

But although Da Hei is fierce, he is not a dog that can easily hurt people. It is mainly used to frighten small thieves and scare people, so far it has not bit anyone.

So it just barked, warning the little thief to leave quickly, and also used its bark to attract others.

It's just that the closest to the medicine garden is Zhuangzi, but Xue Zongguang from Zhuangzi took Gu Yundong to Jiaojia Village and was away. And Mrs Wan is a person who is particularly insensitive to the barking of dogs. She just felt that Da Hei was going crazy again, so she didn't even think about going to take a look.

The other tenants heard a faint voice and rushed over, but it took time.

The little thief saw that Da Hei didn't rush to bite, and he probably saw something, and immediately ignored it and went straight to pull out the herbs.

After pulling out two of them, Da Hei was completely annoyed, and it jumped up suddenly, throwing the thief directly to the ground.

But Rao knocked the man down, it didn't move its mouth to bite, it just pressed on his shoulder to stop his behavior.

But Da Hei didn't know that the thief under him came prepared, and he immediately drew out his knife and stabbed Da Hei violently.

Da Hei was cut three times, one on his abdomen, one on his face, and one on his leg.

The injury on the leg was the most serious. The line on the face has been drawn from the forehead to the mouth. The scratches are a little deep, and a slight deviation will stab its eyes.

Gu Yundong looked at the wound at this moment, the anger in his heart rose little by little, and he couldn't stop it.

Da Hei was very sensitive, and seemed to sense her emotions, raised his head slightly, and whimpered.

With such a move, the blood from its wounds oozes out.

Gu Yundong hurriedly restrained his expression and touched it lightly, "Don't move, the medicine has just been prescribed."

She didn't know how to treat its wounds, so she could only touch it gently.

The medicine that was sprinkled on the wound was given by Shao Qingyuan, and it was very effective.

Although Shao Qingyuan understands some medical theory, Da Hei is not a human after all. Apart from spraying powder on his wounds, he has no idea what to do for a while.

Yuan Cheng grew up taking care of Da Hei since he was a child. He has a little experience, but he can also feel that Da Hei is very uncomfortable at the moment, so he also wiped his tears and cried extremely depressed.

Fortunately, a tenant ran over at this time, "I brought the veterinarian from the next village here, hurry up, let him show him to Da Hei."

Yuan Cheng quickly stepped aside, and Gu Yundong also stood up and stepped back.

The veterinarian immediately crouched down to see Da Hei's injuries, Gu Yundong clearly felt Da Hei twitch.

She turned her head slightly and didn't look at it, but her eyes fell on the two little thieves.

The next moment, the irritable color on her face surfaced again.

These two little thieves not only wanted to kill Da Hei, but they also didn't plan to let the other two dogs go.

The food used to divert the rhubarbs is smeared with poison. As long as the rhubarbs take a bite, they will die on the spot.

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