Gu Yundong took out a small porcelain bottle, which was the good medicine Shao Qingyuan had given her to treat internal injuries.

The guy looked at it carefully and nodded immediately, "Yes, yes, this medicine is only available in our pharmacy. The bottle of the girl should also be sold by our shop. I'll get it for you as much as the girl wants."

"Give me a bottle." In addition to this, Gu Yundong also ordered several medicinal materials, all of which were used by Gu Dajiang.

Before leaving, Dr. Yu prescribed medicine for them, and asked Gu Dajiang to adjust them, which was almost used up by now.

She thought about making some more. These medicines are relatively common, and they are available in ordinary shops.

As expected, the guy had everything for her, wrapped it up and handed it over, "Girl, a total of 12 taels of silver."

Gu Yundong stretched out his hand to get the silver, but he was stopped before he handed it over.

She turned her head and met Gu Dajiang's angry expression.

"Ten taels of silver, what a fool, this is only a few medicinal materials and you have charged so much. Doctor Yu in the city used to prescribe these medicines before, and I have never seen them so expensive. I will say that who is not a good thing, from his chaos It can be seen from the receipt of money that it is a black heart."

Gu Yundong, "..." Dad, your anger hasn't subsided.

But the guy stopped listening, and immediately defended, "This guest officer, that's not what you said, these medicinal materials are indeed ordinary medicinal materials, and the price is not expensive. This bottle of medicine for internal injuries is not ordinary medicine, it is Our owner personally developed it, and we are the only one in Fengkai County and even Xuanhe Prefecture. And this medicine has good curative effect, so the price is naturally higher.”

Gu Dajiang stared, looked at Gu Yundong and said, "Look, he also developed it himself. He's not a doctor, isn't he messing around? This is an extremely irresponsible behavior, and it will definitely bring disaster to you in the future."

Gu Yundong said in a low voice, "Father, your internal injury was cured by this medicine."

Gu Dajiang choked and was speechless.

But he still didn't give up, took her hand and started to say something else, "Look at this shop, why is it opened next to Gu Ji, it must be because Gu Ji's business is good, and he deliberately came to serve customers."

"Also, the shop hasn't been cleaned, and the counter looks dirt." He touched it, and it was clean and spotless.

Gu Dajiang, "..."

He pointed to the cabinet, "There are still these medicines, which are too few. If there is a customer coming to dispense the medicine, there will be no shortage of this and the other. Isn't that delaying the time of other people's patients?"

"By the way, it doesn't smell good either, and I still smell a bad odor."

The guy at the drugstore couldn't bear it anymore, he was clearly here to find fault.

He looked around and saw the big broom next to him, and he was about to pick it up.

Unexpectedly, a pair of hands blocked him. The guy raised his head and looked at the person who came by in amazement, "Zhou Zi? What are you stopping me for? You didn't hear what he said."

Zhuangzi whispered and bit his ear, "Don't be stupid, that's our boss, that's the boss's father."

"Your boss? Your boss can talk nonsense at will..." The guy stopped halfway, and his eyes widened slightly, "You mean... your boss? Isn't that our boss' fiancee?"

"That's right, so you know why the owner's father said that?"

The man suddenly realized, "So, this is the old man who is picking on the thorns?"

"Understand, being a father is like this, especially our club is so good."

The guy nodded, immediately put down the broom, ran to Gu Dajiang's side, nodded seriously, "This guest officer is right, this drugstore doesn't smell good, and it's not clean, look over there. There are also cobwebs. I think there are too many areas for improvement. You only need to give your opinion, we will definitely change it. If you say you remove the window, remove the window, remove the door, remove the door, and open up that wall. It will be done this afternoon. Find someone to work with."

Gu Dajiang, "..." No, where are you from?

This is his future son-in-law's shop, how dare you tear down the windows and walls?

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