"Yun Dong." Dong shi looked at her with a smile, "My aunt came here today to propose marriage to Qing Yuan."

"It stands to reason that the matter of proposing marriage should have been discussed by the elders of both sides. But you know about Qingyuan's situation. I also watched him grow up, and now I take advantage of it and be his elder. As for the situation of Qingyuan. I also know the situation of your family. You are the master of the family, but you are young and don’t know anything about marriage. During this time, Cousin Ke and I have become acquainted with each other, so I thought, why not let Ke Cousin came to help with the process?"

Gu Yundong nodded immediately. She didn't know anything about these things. Of course, it was better to have an elder who understood.

Mrs. Dong went to talk to Cousin Ke. The marriage proposal process was not easy. You had to hire a matchmaker first.

Accepting Cai, asking for a name, accepting a Ji, accepting a levy, asking for an appointment, and personally welcoming him as the six rituals. In fact, some of the processes in rural areas are not so rigorous, but Shao Qingyuan attaches great importance to Gu Yundong, and naturally he must follow the procedures.

Mr. Dong was fairly familiar with the surrounding villages, and knew which matchmaker had a good reputation and had a good temperament.

As for the betrothal gifts required for the expedition, this was prepared by Shao Qingyuan himself.

At present, it is only a marriage. The day of marriage has to wait for Gu Yundong and Hu, and both parties plan to find Gu Dajiang to talk about it.

After all, he is marrying someone else's daughter, so how can his father-in-law not be there?

Mrs. Dong and Cousin Ke were able to discuss with each other, and they also brought Mrs. Yang over.

Although Yang didn't quite understand it, they would still ask her for her opinion and explain it to her patiently.

Gu Yundong was also listening next to him, and he felt dizzy. So there are still so many rules?

After Mr. Dong left, she took a big breath and rushed to see her fifty acres of land to clear her mind.

Knowing that she was coming, Zhao Zhu hurriedly brought the dog left to the field. To Gu Yundong's surprise, Da Qian seemed to be busy with the fruit forest as well.

After all, 50 acres of land is not small, and when he is busy, he is really busy, and it is impossible for Gu Yundong to let Zhao Zhu and his son work day and night. It was agreed at the beginning that she would give a certain amount of money. As for who to ask for help, it was up to them.

When he was planting a large area, Zhao Zhu did invite a lot of people. Now that he has been busy for a while, he is the only one who is busy with the leftovers and big money.

The fifty acres of orchard Zhao Zhu was surrounded by a fence, and there were two dogs in it, which looked very fierce.

However, when they saw Zhao Zhu and the others, the two dogs were still obedient and ran over.

Zhao Zhu asked them to recognize Gu Yundong, and then took them inside.

The orchard is now divided into pieces, planted with loquats, mulberries, cherries, strawberries, and peaches. Most of them have been moved from other places and have grown a lot, so it looks lush now, which is very pleasing to look at.

It's still too young. Now that she has money in her hands, should she buy a farm?

Gu Yundong turned around while thinking about it, and couldn't help but say, "I didn't expect Uncle Zhao to find so many fruit trees. I thought that half of them would be good. The orchard is also well maintained, Uncle Zhao. Thanks for your hard work."

Zhao Zhu's cold and solemn face was slightly soft, and he smiled and pointed to the big money behind him, "I have found a lot of big money."

Gu Yundong was surprised, and looked at the person who had been following behind them without making a sound.

Da Qian was still a little embarrassed, and his voice was soft, "It's just a coincidence."

"By coincidence?"

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