The Farmer’s Eldest Daughter Has a Spatial Pocket

Chapter 3684 There are too many examples like this

Qian Datou sat back in the chair weakly, "I have been walking outside for many years, and I have seen all kinds of strange things. When I saw the condition of the villagers, my first reaction was that they might have been poisoned, or It has something to do with their land, food and even their daily habits, but I have investigated them one by one, and there is no problem at all. In fact, it is not only me, the village chief has also paid attention to these problems, but they have all been ruled out. At that time, I I really believe the curse that the village chief said."

Some things are so fantastic, even Qian Datou has to believe them.

"But now it seems, where is the curse? It is clearly the result of the villagers' inbreeding."

Qian Dao smiled bitterly, but then raised his head again, his eyes firm, "After the medical discussion conference is over, I will go to that village again, I have to tell them the crux of the problem, and they can't continue to make mistakes. "

Chen Liang stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, "That's good, we don't know, it's fine, if we know, we can help if we can, otherwise this huge village will be wiped out, causing an irreversible tragedy. , we are also distressed.”

Qian Datou nodded, "Yes, you are right."

Mrs. Lin, who was on the side, also murmured, "My sister-in-law's maiden sister was also married to his cousin. Later, something went wrong with the birth of a child, so they gave it away directly. They gave birth to another child within two years, and when she was three years old, she could not tell People outside said that my sister-in-law and sister had physical problems, so she gave birth to deformed children one after another. Since then, her life in her in-law's house has been like soaking in bitter water. "

Don't look at her husband's family as relatives, but when she really cares about her own interests, even if she calls her auntie, she won't get a good face.

That is to say, the conditions of her in-law's family are not good, otherwise she would have taken another concubine long ago.

But now that such a thing has been exposed, the husband's family is afraid that she will also be divorced. No matter what, it is their women who suffer.

It is their fault that the children are not good, and it is also their fault that they cannot have children. Now that close relatives are married, it is they who have to bear the consequences.

Xiaolu also said, "There is also a couple in my grandfather's village who are cousins. Their first child died early, the second child was frail and sick, and the third one passed away while still in the womb. They are saying behind their backs that their family must have done something wrong, so God punishes them, keeps them at a distance, and is unwilling to associate with them."

She couldn't help covering her face, "I didn't expect it to be this reason, it turned out to be this reason."

Where have they noticed this before? Now that I have listened to Lei Qi's words, and think about it carefully, there are simply not too many examples like this around me.

There are normal ones, but some people have two normal children, and there must be one problem.

Some people will directly discard or drown the sick child. How many people have been killed by this alone?

If this kind of thing is not spoken out today, there will be more and more victims of this kind of child.

It was unusually quiet for a while in the box, and everyone couldn't help but sigh.

Xiaolu was fortunate that she knew early that she was not married yet, so she could prevent such a thing from happening in time. Speaking of which, her parents actually had the idea of ​​adding more kisses.

Just thinking about it, she suddenly felt a force of gravity coming from her arm, which made her feel pain.

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