The Farmer’s Eldest Daughter Has a Spatial Pocket

3636 The current situation of Cai Jin

Gu Yundong had never deliberately inquired about Gu Ruyi's life, but he also occasionally heard a sentence or two about the Li family from Shen Sitian.

Shen Sitian's house was rented to the Li family at first. Later, the Li family had their own savings and went to the county town to buy a yard.

The family of four moved to the county seat, but the Li family still occasionally helped clean the house.

Later, after Shen Sitian's child grew up, he went back to Fanxiu Town with Tong An and met the Li family. Although the Li family no longer rented the house, Shen Sitian still gave them the key and asked them to find a suitable tenant. The requirements are still a bit harsh, but the rent is not high.

The purpose of Shen Sitian is to keep the house from being dilapidated and uninhabitable. It doesn't matter how much rent she has, anyway, the rent in the small town will not be too high.

When Gu Yundong went to the capital to see Shen Sitian last time, she said that the Li family is living well now, that Li's father has a job, and that both Li's mother and Li's family are diligent and look good.

She didn't mention that Gu Ruyi's embroidery skills were good. Maybe Ruyi was young and didn't show it.

That's all Gu Yundong knew, and he didn't know anything else.

However, Gu Ruyi's father, Gu Fa'er's news, she knew better.

Gu Fa'er was exiled to Linxun Island, and Cai Yue's grandfather Cai Jin was also there.

Cai Yue will basically visit his grandfather once every two years. Cai Jin was originally implicated by King Lu. He is not from King Lu's camp. I don't know that King Lu is going to rebel. He didn't deal with it, so he listened to King Lu's words and helped him deal with Shao Qingyuan.

But even so, it was enough for him to get involved. Fortunately, he won't be beheaded, but it's just that life in exile is not easy.

At first, he didn't know what happened in the capital after he left. He thought that he was the only one who was exiled, and that the rest of the family was fine. With the temperament of his parents, he would always find a way for him. Even if they can't let him return to the capital, they will give him some silver clothes and other things to make his life in exile a little easier.

Who knows that the left and right wait have been waiting for the family to come, and he gradually loses hope. Later, people from the capital were exiled, and he only found out what happened after a little inquiries.

After all, the affairs of the Cai family were quite a big deal, and it also involved the Prince of Lu, and almost everyone in the capital knew about it.

Only then did Cai Jin know that his wife died or was killed by his son, and neither his parents nor his daughter-in-law escaped. Cai Jin's whole person was dumbfounded, as if he was in a fantasy world. The only thing that comforted him was that his most beloved grandson was still alive and was picked up by his grandparents.

It's just that a few years have passed, and there has been no news, and I don't know if he was doing well at his grandfather's house.

Cai Jin's life was unreliable, and he had to pass by every day. The only thing that supported him was the subtle miss for Cai Yue.

I originally thought that I would never see my grandson again, but I also knew that Cai Yue had a hard time living under his grandfather's family.

Who would have known that Cai Yue suddenly appeared on Linxun Island to see him a few years ago. Cai Jin was already quite old at that time and had no energy.

He also knew what happened to Cai Yue later, that he was bullied at his grandfather's house and saved by Shao Qingyuan and his wife.

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