Gu Yundong didn't expect some things to come. They had just discussed the actions of the Li Guoan guards. On the third night, the sound of swords came from the county office.

For the past few days, Gu Yundong has been sleeping in his clothes, with Chichi and Song Yan by his side, no one relaxes.

Shao Qingyuan hung a medicine bag on them, a self-defense thing that could pour out the medicine at any time, and she also prepared several crossbow arrows.

Gu Yundong woke up from the sound of the sword, and Shao Qingyuan had already pulled out his sword and went out.

Chi Chi slept soundly next to her. Since he came back from beating her, the little guy stopped pouting his butt when he slept, and slept very peacefully. He almost never wet the bed until dawn.

On the other hand, Song Yan, even if he didn't fully understand the conversation that day, should have understood part of it.

So he slept uneasily and rolled over with a small frown.

When the voice outside grew louder, he suddenly opened his eyes and threw himself into Gu Yundong's arms, "Godmother."

"I'm here, don't be afraid, the godmother is here."

There was a slight noise from the door, and Gu Yundong immediately became alert.

After a while, the door opened, Shao Yin and Qi Momo came in wrapped in the cold wind, Shao Yin picked up Chi Chi on the bed, "Qingyuan sent me here, she asked us to hide in the secret room."

The two of them lived next door and never slept.

In fact, in today's county government, except for a few people who are incompetent, the rest are people with martial arts.

In the past two days, they sent away Tong Shuitao and Xue Rong, who were about to give birth, and Yu Weining, who had recovered. Before helping in Gu Ji's shop, now they simply live in the backyard of the shop. Cai Yue is even more direct. I lived in the county school and didn't come back for two or three days.

Originally, Gu Yundong and his wife wanted to send Shao Yin and Qi Momo away as well, but neither of them were happy, so they arranged it next door, ready to hide at any time.

Gu Yundong wrapped the two children with clothes, then picked up Song Yan, and the three children entered the secret room.

Not long after they entered the secret room, two men in black came in.

Seeing the empty room, the two frowned and touched the bed. The quilt is still warm, but the person should be gone for a while.

Before they could search, two more people rushed in and fought with the two men in black.

At this time, the sound of swords was everywhere in the backyard of the front hall of the county government.

Shao Qingyuan and Qin Wenzheng and Su Yi stood together, with a few secret guards standing beside them, their expressions tense.

They were all watching the situation, but after watching for a while, Shao Qingyuan suddenly said, "They didn't kill them."

There were injuries on both sides, but none were fatal.

Either have concerns, or...don't want to make the scene too ugly.

Qin Wenzheng let out a low laugh, stepped forward suddenly, and raised his voice to the uninvited guests who suddenly broke in.

"Please tell your masters that if you want to see Song Yan, come out and have a good talk. If you hurt someone for no reason, don't blame me for being rude to Song Yan."

Both sides of the fight ignored him, the air seemed to suddenly stop, only the sound of ping ping pong pong remained.

After a long time, everyone heard the sound of 'chi', and suddenly there was a sound not far away, "Stop."

The group of men in black made a well-trained feint move, and took a few steps back in unison to distance themselves from the people on Shao Qingyuan's side.

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