Not long after Gu Dahe, Jia Shi and others returned to the place where they lived, they saw the official from the government office coming to the door. The couple were so frightened that they thought that Gu Yundong was really going to report to the official and wanted to arrest them together.

Who knew that the official just said that Gu Faer had something to tell them.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that the official said that Li Shi and Gu Fa'er had reconciled and took Gu Ruyi away.

This matter was not heard in court, but the couple went through the formalities in front of Mr. Kang.

As Gu Yundong said, this matter is just a small effort for Mr. Kang. Gu Fa'er was a criminal, and if a serious woman wanted to reconcile with him, she naturally wanted to favor the Li family.

Therefore, there is no need to ask Gu Fa'er to express his opinion, and Lord Kang agreed.

Gu Fa'er was naturally unhappy, and scolded Li Shi on the spot, almost shaking off her loss of virginity before marriage.

Fortunately, he still has two points of reason, knowing that in front of Lord Kang, saying that he has raped an unmarried woman is to send the evidence of the crime to the Lord, and the crime will definitely be added one level.

So he couldn't say it, but he would not be reconciled if he let the slut Lai go like this.

So he thought of Gu Dahe and Jia, he just had to tell them about it and let them spread the word. Those gossips are enough for Li to be pointed at for a lifetime.

After he is released from prison in three years, he will settle accounts with Mrs. Lai.

Therefore, after Gu Fa'er and Li Shi reconciled, they asked to see Gu Dahe and his wife.

Originally, for such a big matter, the elders of both sides should be present. But Gu Dahe told Lord Kang in front of everyone before that he wanted to cut ties with Gu Fa'er, so naturally he didn't have to go to their irrelevant person.

Now Gu Fa'er wants to see them...

Originally it was no problem, but unfortunately Master Kang knew about Heli's inside story, so he immediately guessed something from his stern expression and didn't agree. It is only said that he is a repeat offender, and he has no right to see his relatives for the time being.

Gu Fa'er hated it very much, if the arrest was to spread the word, he would definitely not be able to speak freely. He could only have someone tell Gu Dahe that he and the Li family had reconciled.

He knew that Gu Dahe had some guesses about their marriage back then, but he just didn't confirm it. But Li Shi's things are too extreme now, even if they are just guessing, they will definitely spread.

Sure enough, when Gu Dahe and Jia Shi heard the Li family's downfall, they were so angry that they almost spat out blood, and they went to settle accounts in anger.

It's just that as soon as they went out, they remembered that the Li family was living with Gu Yundong now. If they came to the door, what would Gu Yundong do if they didn't let them go?

The two of them died down, and they were not reconciled, so they thought of waiting for Gu Yundong to leave, and then looking for Li to settle the account.

However, what they didn't know was that the Li family had all gone, and they had gone so cleanly that they even sold the house.

They couldn't find anyone to tear it apart, but they didn't want to let it go. After returning to Jiangyu County, they spread the word about Li's loss of virginity before marriage.

But the Li family's popularity in the county town is not bad, everyone is not a fool, and she also knew that she was broken before marriage, and she married Gu Fa'er, who was completely inappropriate, and the person who broke her must be Gu Fa. son.

Although there are still some rumors and rumors going to the Li family, but the protagonist is away, and it will be boring to talk for a while.

On the contrary, the Gu family who remained in Jiangyu County suffered more rumors.

In particular, Gu Baoer, the second roommate, and Gu Jiner, the third roommate, who are discussing marriage, have been hit the hardest.

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