Li Shi finally married Gu Fa'er, she had no other way.

Outsiders don't know what the Li family thinks, but they think that their brains may not be very good. Why should they be relatives with a garbage?

Of course, Li's father and Li's mother were unwilling to marry the old Gu family, but without her daughter's innocence, it was impossible for her to marry someone else.

What's more, if they don't agree, Gu Fa'er can shamelessly publicize this matter. They have no choice but to compromise.

Li's father and Li's mother blamed themselves very much. Li's father felt that what happened to his daughter while delivering food to him was his responsibility. Li's mother felt that she should not let her daughter go out alone, because she was too careless.

The husband and wife cried bitterly, and Father Li beat Gu Fa'er severely.

At that time, Gu Fa'er was very obedient, and promised to be good to the Li family. He also said that he liked the Li family for a long time, but because of the huge disparity between the two families, he knew that he was wishful thinking. Later, I don't know why, and I did such a thing to Li Shi for a while.

He also promised that he would move out after becoming a parent. He must take good care of the Li family, and the wife he finally got married will definitely take good care of him.

At most, Father Li believed the last sentence of his words - he really managed to marry a wife, and he would never think about marrying another.

Moreover, Gu Fa'er's words inspired him. He could bring Gu Fa'er to the county seat. Didn't this person read books? Father Li still knew some people, and it was always easier for someone who could read to find a job.

At that time, their husband and wife will live in Li's house, and they will be able to take care of them themselves.

Li's father thought very well, and at the beginning, Gu Fa'er did exactly as he thought, and when he became a parent, he moved to the county seat and lived in Li's house. He also had a job, and although he was so-so, he was still a businessman, and it would be nice if he could earn wages to support his wife.

In addition, Gu Fa'er is really good to the Li family, and he will buy her some snacks when he comes back on weekdays.

Father Li was more or less relieved, even though he didn't like this son-in-law and felt very aggrieved, this was the best he could imagine.

However, the good times did not last long. Gu Dahe and his wife went to the county government office every now and then to fight the autumn wind. Zhao Shi and Gu old man also often went to the county government office. When they went, they had to see their eldest grandson, and then they had to live in Li’s house. , before leaving, my grandson-in-law will give me some travel expenses and money to buy meat.

The thick-skinned people of the Lao Gu family made Li's father and Li's mother furious, and almost fought with them.

Gu Fa'er is on the side of the Li family. He thinks that the Li family is only such a daughter, and the future property of the Li family will be his. How can he give it to the Zhao family and Gu Chuanzong?

Isn't his grandma going to be with the third uncle? Then why do you want them to give money?

As for his parents, he would only need to pay some pensions occasionally, and he would not be happy if there was more.

This situation continued until Lai became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter.

As soon as Gu Fa'er saw his daughter, his face became dark on the spot, and he never had a good face towards Li Shi, and he didn't even do his previous work. He also said that it was all Li's fault, that not having a son would ruin his fortune.

Since Gu Fa'er was no longer working in the county, he naturally had to go back to his hometown, lest Father Li keep trying to find other things for him.

Mrs. Li also took her daughter back to Gujiatun. The days when she went back... can be imagined.

In order to make life easier for their daughter and granddaughter, Li's father and Li's mother often carried things to see them, and life gradually became difficult.

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