Yu Yang and the others laughed instantly, they were really hungry.

I had been busy all day, and I just ate a pancake to fill my stomach at noon. When I got back to my residence, Ayu brought them directly. At this moment, my stomach was empty, and I almost cried out. .

As soon as Gu Yundong said this, Gu Dajiang laughed, "That's right, everyone will go to the flower hall first, and then have a good night's rest after eating. There is an important task for you tomorrow."

"Uncle Gu, despite his orders." Qi Ting, Yu Yang and others were very excited when they heard the words.

With the help of Qi Ting and others, in the next few days, the originally noisy and unstable Fucheng calmed down silently.

The students of the prefectural school heard about Qi Ting's identity and learned that Yu Yang and others came from other places, but they were so burdened. At the moment, they gathered together and went to Qi Ting.

Their own hometown, in the end, needs the protection of foreigners so painstakingly, what face is there to meet?

With the scholars headed by Qi Ting, the team grew bigger and bigger.

What's more, not only the scholars, but also the common people who also love their own country and country gradually began to unite.

Afterwards, it started from Fucheng and gradually spread to the surrounding area. Those spies who tried to split and shake the hearts of the people were also caught out several times.

It's just that Qi Ting did this, and after all, he still blocked the way of others.

On the third day, Yu Yang was ambushed on his way back from outside the city. Fortunately, he met the soldiers of the Southwest Battalion who came to Fucheng to report the news.

However, Yu Yang was still injured, but fortunately, his arm was slashed, and the injury was not serious.

However, after this incident, it also calmed down many people who were enthusiastic, and some people began to retreat.

But it also aroused public anger, and the number increased a lot.

Since that day, Qi Ting has realized the drawbacks of his actions. They are so scattered that if one is in trouble, it may not be too late to call for help.

Yu Yang is lucky, if he is unlucky, the person may be gone.

He began to redeploy and let people go with him. If he went out of the city, he needed to bring people who knew martial arts. Nowadays, many people in the city have joined in, and among them are some large squires.

Most of the big families who still stay here are reluctant to have an accident in their hometown. If they can do it without money, they can still do it with a little effort. Hearing that Qi Ting needed guards, each family immediately contributed a few, which was considered a success.

Qi Ting is very busy now, and so are the others.

Seeing that the situation had gradually stabilized, Gu Yundong finally felt relieved.

Just when she was thinking about how to improve the fighting power of everyone in the government office, the Wen family came.

Two women came to guard them. At first glance, the two women were diligent workers. One of them was a little older and should be the leader among them.

Seeing Gu Yundong, he hurriedly brought the other three forward to salute.

"Please say goodbye to Mrs. Shao, the old slave is Wu's mother who has been serving Mrs. since she was a child."

The Song family still has some background, and it is normal for Song Ruijun to be served by someone since he was a child.

Gu Yundong nodded slightly at Wu's mother, "Mother Wu is here, but you adults have explained that you want to serve your wife? I will have my mother take her there."

It's just that she told Wen Jin before that there are servants in the government office, and there is no need to send someone here.

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