Qi Ting choked for a moment, why did Sister Gu go back to this question again?

He nodded decisively, "Yes, he also said that Sister Gu, you and Master Shao are here, and let me come to you and help you."

Ayu couldn't listen anymore, "Master, you are here to avoid marriage."

As soon as these words came out, the people in the wing suddenly turned to look at Ayu. Qi Ting was a little exasperated, "Who asked you to do this?"

Gu Yundong glanced at him sideways, blocking Qi Ting's vision, and asked Na Ayu, "Tell me the truth, the matter is clearly explained."

Ayu's neck shrank, compared to his own young master, he was actually more in awe of Gu Yundong.

It is because Gu Dajiang was going to enter Tianhai Academy back then, and his calm and wonderful response when facing the test of Qi Shanchang and Qi Ting's embarrassment had already spread throughout the academy, among which Gu Yundong's role was even more spread by word of mouth.

As Qi Ting's servant, Ayu was even more aware of this matter. Not to mention the various deeds of Gu Yundong later, step by step, from a peasant girl to the Yongjia County Master who is now valued by the emperor, which made him awe-inspiring and admired very much.

The most important thing is that the old man ordered that if you meet the Yongjia County Master, it is better to tell the truth.

Therefore, Gu Yundong asked him with such eyes and tone, Ayu can only be sorry for the young master, he sat up straight like a conditioned reflex, and said, "The old lady and the lady said that the young master is old, it is time to think about marriage, these days have been When looking at girls from different families, dozens of portraits were sent to the young master's study. It was just that the young master was not happy and said he didn't want to get married so early, so he didn't read a single portrait. I heard that the relationship between the two countries at the border was tense. The people of Great Jin, if you want to do your part, come here."

Gu Yundong raised his eyebrows, tilted his head and turned to look at Qi Ting.

Not to mention, although the face is quite immature, but the height and bearing are not bad. In this era, it is indeed time to marry a daughter-in-law.

"Why don't you want to get married?"

Qi Ting saw that the old man had been ripped off, so he had nothing to hide, and said in a self-sacrificing manner, "I'm only sixteen years old, I'm so comfortable by myself, after getting married and having children, I have a lot of responsibilities, and many things will become involuntary. Now. Isn't Mr. Shao married in his twenties? I think it's pretty good. At that time, I've experienced a lot of things and people are stable. I can have better things for me, my wife and children. arrange."

Hearing this, Gu Yundong was a little surprised.

I didn't expect Qi Ting's ideas to be so open-minded. These days, most people obey their family's arrangements when they are old enough to marry a wife and have children, and pass on the lineage. There are very few people who will seriously consider the word "responsibility". .

Don't say anything else, just say those men who got married at the age of 15 or 16, leave their wives at home, let them do laundry, cook and have children, and continue to spend time outside and play with friends. There is no change at all. Consciousness of being a husband and a father.

Qi Ting is really rare.

"It's just that my grandmother and mother couldn't understand what I was thinking, so I had to run out. Grandfather didn't say anything after knowing that, knowing that I was coming to the border, he wrote me a letter. It was said that Master Shao and Gu's sister just In Jingping County, if I really want to gain knowledge, I can practice with Master Shao."

As if afraid of Gu Yundong's dislike, Qi Ting hurriedly said, "Sister Gu, although I am young, I was admitted to the juren last year, so it is somewhat useful."

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