The Farmer’s Eldest Daughter Has a Spatial Pocket

Chapter 3110 Song Yan has only one breath left

Yan Lin looked behind him and said, "It should be in the back. He woke up just after you left, and when he knew you were gone, he hugged the cat and wanted to see it and see you off. Who knows and heard it. The old and noble husband and wife are planning your affairs, afraid that you will have an accident, let me run quickly to chase you, others are small and run slowly."

Shao Qingyuan frowned upon hearing this, "You mean he ran over too? With his body, he couldn't run at all."

When Yan Lin heard this, he patted his head angrily, "Then I'll go back now and take him home."

Just as Shao Qingyuan was about to speak, he suddenly looked at Gu Yundong, their eyes widened, and said in unison, "Damn."

This sound startled Yan Lin, his heart jumped, and he hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

Shao Qingyuan didn't have time to explain and said to Gu Yundong, "Tie the reins first, I'll load Bai Zhiyan into the car, and we'll go back."

Gu Yundong nodded, the two quickly put the carriage back on, then let Yan Lin go up together, turned the head of the carriage and ran back.

On the way, Gu Yundong explained to Yan Lin, "You said that Lao Gui would chase after him after eating, right? Song Yan was small and injured, so he must be running slowly, and it would only take a moment for Lao Gui to catch up. When these two meet, if Lao Gui knew that Song Yan had eavesdropped on his plan, and asked you to inform us, it would be detrimental to Song Yan."

Yan Lin's face turned pale, "Lao Gui was not good to Song Yan before, and he also fell in love with Aunt Song, but Aunt Song ignored him. Later, Aunt Song died, he thought Song Yan was not pleasing to the eye, and let his son take the lead. bullying Song Yan."

When these two meet, Lao Gui will definitely take the opportunity to repair Song Yan.

Song Yan's current body and bones can't help but slap Lao Gui.

Thinking of this, Yan Lin also became anxious, and secretly prayed in his heart that the two of them would not really meet at this moment.

But apparently God didn't hear his prayer, and not long after their carriage drove back, they heard a shrill cry.

Yan Lin's heart trembled, and he hurriedly lifted the curtain of the car and looked out.

Shao Qingyuan and Gu Yundong looked solemn, and when they saw a figure flashing in front of them, Shao Qingyuan immediately pulled the reins to stop the horse, then jumped off the carriage and quickly kicked Song Yan's old man over there. You run away.

His face was gloomy, and as soon as Lao Gui heard the footsteps and turned around, he was kicked over.

"Ah..." Lao Gui screamed and fell to the ground for a long time, unable to get up.

Shao Qingyuan didn't have time to care about him, so he squatted down to check Song Yan's injury.

Song Yan had already fainted, and most of his face was covered with bright red blood in the corners of his forehead, mouth, and nose. His left cheek was even more swollen, his right hand had been twisted and weakly hanging on the ground, and his legs were limp.

The whole person was dying, and there was only one breath left.

Gu Yundong ran over to see him like this, and instantly became furious, his eyes were sore that he didn't dare to look again.


"It's okay, I'll save him." Shao Qingyuan squatted down and checked it carefully.

Gu Yundong couldn't bear to turn his head away, then stared at Lao Gui with a grim expression.

Lao Gui looked at the three of them, his heart began to beat, and he slowly moved back despite the pain all over his body.

It was only when he lost his mind that he went to death to beat that kid, and it was indeed a bit harder.

But who made that kid ruin his good deeds?

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