Gu Yundong raised his eyes and glanced at the carriage, nodded, and the door was unloaded, and the carriage was driven into the door.

When Shao Quan, who was not far away, saw this, he immediately came to help.

Gu Yundong took the opportunity to ask Lu Xiaoqun, "Where's the water peach?"

"Back to Madam, I just told Sister Shuitao that Mr. Cen has been lingering at the entrance of the county government office, and stares at the carriage at the door from time to time. After Manager Zhang came down, Mr. Cen hurriedly left. Shuitao The elder sister said to let the little one entertain the shopkeeper Zhang first, and she is going to chase people."

Gu Yundong frowned, Cen Lan hurried away after seeing the shopkeeper Zhang coming over?

She was worried that Shuitao would have an accident if she chased it out like this, so she told Shao Quan to follow him over there to take a look, and then led Shopkeeper Zhang into the county yard.

But at this time, Tong Shuitao was chasing out and didn't see Cen Lan from far away, so he was very surprised.

"I was still dawdling at the gate of the county government office, but in such a short time, I didn't even have a shadow? I must have wanted to do something bad."

Tong Shuitao believed in her intuition, and Cen Lan was absolutely suffocated.

After thinking about it, she could only go to the county school first.

When she turned her head and left, Cen Lan walked out of the alley not far away, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Sure enough, what happened last time made Shao Qingyuan and Gu Yundong doubt him.

Although he transferred the suspicion to Master Zhou, and even though he had been recuperating at home for so long without doing anything, they still had the same suspicions about themselves.

In this way, there must be someone staring at him in the dark.

Cen Lan pursed her lips, walked forward with her head lowered, and quickly rolled her eyes in thought.

When he walked to the most central street in Jingping County, he looked at the city gate in the distance and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Cen Lan looked left and right, and finally saw a carriage parked not far away.

He approached quietly, a dagger in his hand did not know when, and suddenly raised it suddenly, smashing the reins connecting the carriage, and then jumped up, tightening the reins with his fingers, and shouted sharply. ,"drive……"

Everyone around was shocked, and the owner of the carriage screamed, "Ah, what are you doing? Come down, that's my horse, little thief, don't run."

Bai Wu, who was secretly staring at Cen Lan, changed his face greatly. He looked left and right, and there was not a single horse around.

Obviously, Cen Lan planned to steal the horse.

Bai Wu gritted his teeth and chased after him without saying a word.

Cen Lan ignored it, turned her head to look at Bai Wu, and sneered. How can two legs catch up with four legs?

What's the use of staring at him all the time? If he wanted to escape, he could still escape.

After Bai Wu chased for a while, he saw a shop selling bows and arrows.

Coincidentally, there were a few hanging on the door of the shop, which looked good. He grabbed one and said to the panicked shopkeeper, "I'll give you the money back."

Then he aimed the bow and arrow at Cen Lan, Cen Lan took the time to turn his head, and frowned slightly when he saw Bai Wu's movements.

He clenched the reins hard and stopped moving straight forward. The horse began to run in a curve, knocking over the stalls along the way, causing the people on the roadside to cry and curse.

In this way, it becomes difficult for Bai Wu to aim again.

But he couldn't bear to hesitate any longer, and if he delayed any longer, he would be out of the range of his archery.

Bai Wu tightened the bowstring, moved his fingers slightly, and walked towards Cen Lan with a 'whoosh'.

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