When the man not far away saw this, his eyes lit up slightly, he clenched the dagger in his hand, and strode towards the big tent.

When he walked to the door, he suddenly said, "Lieutenant General Xia, Lieutenant General Xia, how are you?"

As he spoke, he opened the curtain and swept it at will, and he really saw Xia Qian lying unconscious on the couch.

Looking at the big tent, aside from the soldier just now, there was only one unfamiliar soldier. This person was overjoyed, and immediately stepped forward with a few steps, posing to see Xia Qian's appearance.

The soldier was stunned for a while, looking at the person who suddenly appeared in disbelief, and quickly stepped forward to stop it, "General Gan, why did you come in? Get out."

The man known as General Gan Shen's eyes flashed, and he took out a dagger and stabbed the soldier.

Originally thought that a hit would be hit, but who knew that the soldier was actually on guard, and hurriedly pushed away a step to avoid the key point.

But Gan Shen was quick to move, but still stabbed him. Immediately, he kicked the soldier away, and immediately rushed towards Shao Qingyuan.

Shao Qingyuan dressed up as a soldier, but General Gan Shen did not take him seriously.

Who knew that he missed a hit, but Shao Qingyuan unloaded his weapon instead.

Gan Shen's complexion changed slightly, his eyes became ruthless, his movements began to become sharp, and all his tricks were put to death.

In the big tent, it was hard to part, Xia Qian, who was lying on the bed, had been detoxified, and finally woke up slightly.

Squinting at first glance, I saw the wounded soldier on the ground and General Gan Shen who was fighting with Shao Qingyuan.

Xia Qian gritted his teeth in anger, "Damn, you are a sinister villain. Huhu, it doesn't count for hurting me, and you dare to do something to my subordinates. Hu... It's too much to ignore my Southwest Camp. ... stop, stop..."

It's just that his voice was so soft that no one could hear him at all.

Xia Qian tried his best to stand up, but quickly fell back.

Just at this moment, the curtain of the big tent was opened, and three or four people broke in from inside. The leader was Xie Zhonglin's son Xie Huai.

Xie Huai immediately brought people into the fight, and Xia Qian finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

As long as Xie Huai is here, this sinister villain will definitely not be able to escape.

He was also able... to pass out of a coma with peace of mind.

Xia Qian was exhausted, and with a 'bang' he closed his eyes and fell back. Therefore, he did not see that the first time Xie Huai rushed in, he put the knife on General Gan Shen's neck.

Gan Shen will be defeated by Shao Qingyuan, and Xie Huai will join in, and he will be captured in an instant.

He tried to struggle, but was knocked unconscious by Shao Qingyuan.

Just looking at General Gan Shen who fell to the ground, Xie Huai's face was extremely ugly.

I really didn't expect that with Cheng Jun doctor fishing, I actually caught a big fish.

General, it turned out to be General Gan.

Xie Huai took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and when he raised his head again, his face was chilling again.

He bowed his hands to Shao Qingyuan, "Xie Huai, my father asked me to lead someone to guard secretly outside the tent. If I came a step late, please forgive me."

Shao Qingyuan waved his hand, "It's good if someone catches it."

As he spoke, he walked up to the wounded soldier and looked at his wound, "How are you?"

The soldier smiled and shook his head, "It's alright, it's just a little bit of skin, but General Gan Shen's kick was a bit powerful, and I almost couldn't get up."

He said that he was about to stand up, but was pinned down by Shao Qingyuan, "Your bones have been kicked and broken, of course you can't get up."

The soldier was stunned, Xie Huai quickly asked the people around him to carry the soldier aside for treatment.

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