The Farmer’s Eldest Daughter Has a Spatial Pocket

Chapter 3047 Shao Qingyuan is too heavy?

"Xia Qian!!" Bian Wei was stunned, hurriedly caught the person who was kneeling on the ground, then raised her head to look at Shao Qingyuan in disbelief, "You..."

Shao Qingyuan frowned, he really wanted to deal with Xia Qian as soon as possible, that palm used a little force, but it definitely didn't make anyone vomit blood.

What's more, this Vice-General Xia is not the kind of person who can't help the wind, and he clearly has the energy to avoid that palm.

Shao Qingyuan took a step forward and put his hand on Xia Qian's wrist.

Only the next moment, he was pushed away by the two soldiers guarding the big tent who had just followed in.

One person blocked Shao Qingyuan, his eyes guarded, "Stand here and don't move, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

The other person got up immediately and went out, "I'll go to the military doctor."

Bian Wei opened his mouth, looked at the confronting people in the tent, frowned, and quickly moved the unconscious Xia Qian to the bed.

Shao Qingyuan looked solemn, looking at Xia Qian's expression thoughtfully.

The military doctor came over after a while. He was stunned when he saw the situation in the tent, and looked at Shao Qingyuan suspiciously.

It's just that he didn't have a chance to look more closely, and Bian Wei had already shouted, "Chengjun doctor, come and see Vice-General Xia."

Cheng Jun responded with a sound, and immediately sat down on the side of the collapse. After examining Xia Qian carefully, he frowned, "What the hell is going on here? How could Vice-General Xia be injured?"

Bian Wei didn't say much, the soldier guarding the big tent had already pointed at Shao Qingyuan and said, "It was he who was beaten, and Vice-General Xia had a conflict with him. Back, the lieutenant vomited blood and fell into a coma."

The soldier did not say the specific process, after all, it is not easy to say. Although he didn't know Shao Qingyuan's identity, he was not an ordinary person when he was personally brought to the general's tent by Deputy General Bian.

So when he went to the medic, he didn't say who the injured person was or what happened.

But it is an indisputable fact that Shao Qingyuan injured Lieutenant General Xia. This is their highest peak. He is a strong lieutenant general guarding the border. He can be injured on the battlefield, but he must not be harmed by villains in the military camp.

To Shao Qingyuan, they were naturally angry and defensive.

Bian Wei didn't say anything. Shao Qingyuan's identity needed to be kept secret. The more he explained, the more complicated it became.

So he concentrated on asking Cheng Jun, "How is Vice General Xia?"

"Hey, this palm is not light. Deputy General Xia has an old injury, and now he has suffered a serious internal injury. I am afraid that he will not be able to recover in a short time."

Saying that, Chengjun doctor looked at Shao Qingyuan, "You are too dark to attack, what kind of hatred is there to beat people to death. If it wasn't for Vice-General Xia's strong body, he might even die at the moment. It's gone."

Shao Qingyuan frowned, and the faces of the two soldiers who heard the result changed greatly, and they looked at him with sharp and resentful eyes.

Even Bian Wei was stunned, "So serious?"

Cheng Jun nodded, "I'll give Vice-General Xia some medicine to treat internal injuries, let's do it step by step, hey."

After speaking, he sighed again, and went to write the prescription on the table next to him.

Bian Wei looked at Lieutenant General Xia, and then at Shao Qingyuan, feeling terribly distressed, what should I do? When is the general coming? If they don't come again, their plan to remove spies has not yet started, and I'm afraid they will die prematurely.

As soon as he thought about it, a person strode in from outside the door. It was Xie Zhonglin who Bian Wei was looking forward to.

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