The Farmer’s Eldest Daughter Has a Spatial Pocket

Chapter 3006 Gu's fruit wine is different from a wine shop

The wine that couldn't be sold in the wine shop turned out that Mrs. Shao brought it to the banquet to entertain everyone?

It's just... outrageous.

Someone reacted quickly, bumped the person talking on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense, you forgot, Mrs. Shao's Gujia workshop specializes in fruit wine."

The man was stunned, his face changed slightly.

So, Mrs. Shao is selling fruit wine today? Does she want to force them to buy this nasty drink?

If I had known, they would not come. It seems that today is going to bleed a lot of blood.

Gu Yundong glanced around, smiled and picked up the wine bottle on the table, and poured a small half into the wine glass in front of Mrs. Fan, "Mrs. Taste?"

Mrs. Fan swallowed. To be honest, she had actually drank a sip of the fruit wine from the wine shop. After all, the Gu family's workshop was in the business of fruit wine, but at that time, Gu Yundong's wine had not been put out for sale, so she could only try the fruit wine from other houses.

The taste is really indescribable.

Seeing her tangled expression, Gu Yundong couldn't help laughing, "Trust me once, my fruit wine is different from the fruit wine from the wine shop. They haven't fermented well in that short period of time, but I have gone through a formal and rigorous process. , it was only brewed a few days ago, and the taste is definitely not bad."

Although Mrs. Fan was skeptical, but so many people were watching, she still wanted to give Gu Yundong some face.

She secretly let out a breath, raised the wine glass in front of her and brought it to her lips, gritted her teeth, and raised her head to drink.

"Huh??" Mrs. Fan was stunned for a while, then raised her head and looked at Gu Yundong in surprise, "It's neither bitter nor astringent, but sweet."

As she said, she poured herself a glass with the bottle of wine. This time, she didn't get bored, but tasted it little by little.

The more she drank, the brighter her eyes became, "This is the fruit wine made by Gu's workshop? It tastes soft and sweet, much better than I thought, and it's not the same as the fruit wine in those wine shops."

"Like it?"

"I like it, I like it very much. It doesn't have the strong taste of spirits, the alcohol taste is also light, not choking, the color is good, and there is no impurities." Mrs. Fan was really pleasantly surprised. She used to hate drinking, especially My master went out to socialize, and often came back full of alcohol, and he was drunk and choked his nose.

So after she had been drinking it a few times, she didn't want to drink it, and she couldn't understand why those men liked drinking so much. But this one is different, this one is very suitable for women to drink.

Seeing that she was about to fall again, Gu Yundong hurriedly stretched out his hand to block it, "You can't drink too much in one go. Although this is fruit wine, it is not as strong as other wines, but it is also wine. If you drink too much, you will get drunk. It's okay to taste it. "

Mrs. Fan felt a little pity, Gu Yundong smiled and let the maid come over again with a plate.

"If you like something sweet, you can try this cake."

Mrs. Fan blinked and scratched a corner with a spoon. As soon as she entered, she could not wait to cry out.

She is so happy. What kind of fairy food did she eat today when she came to this banquet? So delicious too.

Gu Yundong smiled, "Other food will come up one by one in a while, you all eat slowly, just tell the maid if you need anything, and I'll go to work first."

She didn't say much, and some advertisements had too much effect but backfired. She believed that with Mrs. Fan taking the lead, others would not be able to resist the temptation of food and wine.

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