The Farmer’s Eldest Daughter Has a Spatial Pocket

Chapter 2941 Why can't scholars?

Gu Yundong looked at the person who was speaking, and then glanced at Manager Pei.

The latter said something in a low voice, Gu Yundong nodded and smiled at the man, "You? A gambler who likes to gamble, which workshop wants it?"

This person usually dresses up well in the village. He goes to the town and county to gamble for money. If he is too tattered, he is not allowed to enter the casino, so he has always kept it clean.

The gambler had a grim expression on her face because of what she said, so he wanted to come forward and make a theory, but Shao Qingyuan gave him a cold glance, and he suddenly remembered their identities, so he hurriedly retracted his neck and kept silent.

But there are also people who are clean and hard to gamble, "Gu Dongjia, I also want to know the reason why I was not selected."


Addicted to alcohol? The man had anger on his face, he pointed his hand at the selected villagers, and said, "What about the two of them? We are from the same village, and they both like to drink, especially Liu Shi, who drinks a big drink every night. Bowl, there are more than a dozen wine jars at home, why can he do it?"

The two Liu Shi, whom he pointed to, were furious to death, and at the same time they were worried to death, for fear that Gu Dongjia would listen to that person and drive them away.

Who knew that Gu Yundong smiled and said, "Liu Shi and two really like to drink, but their wine is good. As far as I know, the two of them can drink as much alcohol as they want. Alcohol is not addictive. You are different, you really don’t drink it on weekdays, but once you take the first sip, you won’t let it go if you don’t get drunk. After drinking it, you are full of nonsense and beat people, so we can’t ask for it in our workshop.”

Gujia’s workshop is a business of drinking and drinking, and workers who can drink must be recruited. Moreover, many transactions are negotiated at the wine table these days. Liu Shi looks good, has a good alcohol capacity, and knows restraint, so it is not a bad idea to take him out to the town.

Therefore, after Pei Guanshi knew the future direction of Gu's workshop, the first person to observe was the villager who could drink, and he already had a candidate he wanted to recruit in his heart.

Liu Shi's faces turned slightly red when they heard Gu Yundong's words.

They didn't expect Gu Dongjia to rate them so highly, the two took a deep breath and hurriedly assured, "Don't worry, Dongjia, we will definitely work hard in the future. Don't touch the wine."

"Me, me too."

Gu Yundong nodded with satisfaction and asked, "Anyone else have a problem?"

The people who were brushed down in the first round looked at each other in dismay, but did not dare to step forward. Most of them were brushed off because of their unclean clothes, and the rest of them knew their own faults. Seeing Gu Yundong's reaction when he was drunk, he must have known other people.

They don't want their shortcomings to be exposed to the public.

But after a while, someone who was brushed down in the second round stood up.

"Master, I have a question."

"You ask."

"I asked myself that my clothes were neat, I didn't eat, drink, prostitute, and gamble. I didn't have any friends, and I had read books. There was no one who was more educated than me. Why can't I be selected?"

This is what Manager Pei is also curious about.

Gu Yundong explained before that if there are those who have read books and can read, they can be selected first. The scholar was even a child, with good handwriting and thoughtful speech and manners. Therefore, Manager Pei left him in the first round.

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