The Farmer’s Eldest Daughter Has a Spatial Pocket

Chapter 2896 Fan mother changed face

Fan Yilin snorted coldly and asked again, "Then what's your cousin's identity? You... where are you going?"

Cai Yue had already broken through their encirclement and quickly ran into Fan Mansion.

Fan Yilin stared, and hurriedly greeted the others, "Chase him."

A few people followed immediately, but when he ran to the doorman, he stopped again, and asked a little unwillingly, "My mother, they don't know that I was kidnapped by thieves?"

After all, he was also the eldest young master of Fan Mansion. There were so many people watching, and he also saw the guy from the shop running out to report the letter.

The concierge replied respectfully, "Go back to the young master, the guy who reported the letter did come. After the young man heard about it, he went to report to the master. The master took someone to rescue the young master, and he did not have time to inform the wife. The young master did not meet him on the way. To the master?"

When Mr. Fan heard that his son had an accident, he didn't care about his wife who was gathering with other ladies in the backyard. It was important to save people. What's more, the lady can't help me with this matter, it's just nothing to worry about.

Fan Yilin suddenly realized when he heard the words, "We didn't meet Dad, we probably turned off." His dad was trying to save himself, and he might have run to the side road, but they had a carriage on their side, so naturally they had to take the big road.

He instructed the porter, "You ask someone to send a letter to my father and say that we are all fine and have gone home."

"Yes, sir."

The concierge ran to call someone, Rong Mingxue was stunned for a while, then looked at Fan Yilin, "Why don't you ask him, what is the identity of the guest your mother invited today?"

Fan Yilin patted his forehead, "I forgot, forget it, you'll know when you go in."

How many people still have to find Cai Yue to settle accounts.

The Fan family's banquet today, said to be a flower viewing, was actually a few ladies who had a good relationship.

Mrs. Fan was still uncertain about Gu Yundong's temperament, so she naturally did not dare to bring anyone home. If there is a taboo with that nonsense that doesn't have long eyes, wouldn't it still implicate myself?

Therefore, there are not many people coming today, but the banquet is very delicate.

Fan Yilin and the others knew that they were all acquaintances, and that the young ladies were in the backyard, while Gu Yundong, Mrs. Fan and the others spoke in the main room, and immediately took Rong Mingxue and the three to kill them.

Gu Yundong was introducing Cai Yue to everyone, "This is our nephew, who came to Jingping County with us. Although he is only nine years old, he is already a child. Now he is studying in the county school. Speaking of which, I am with your family. The son is still a classmate."

Mrs. Fan's face instantly brought a smile, "Really? Cai Gongzi is already a child before the age of ten. He is really talented. Our family's Yilin just passed the exam the year before last, so he's very stupid. Since you and our family's Yilin are the same Classmates, I will often come to play in the future. He is very familiar with this county, and if there is any place he wants to go, let him take you there. "

"Thank you ma'am."

Mrs. Fan was very relieved to see him. She knew that Mrs. Shao came from the capital, and this Young Master Cai must have also been studying in the capital. With such a calmness at such a young age, it would be beneficial for her son to get along with him more.

When Fan Yilin and others came in, they happened to see this scene.

He felt that his mother's eyes were glowing when he looked at Cai Yue, making the hairs on his body stand up.

He stepped over the threshold of the main room, "Mother."

Mrs. Fan raised her head, her smiling expression suddenly fell when she saw them, and she instantly sank. The speed of this change of face made Fan Yilin's back go cold.

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