The Farmer’s Eldest Daughter Has a Spatial Pocket

Chapter 2879 Gu Yundong officially taught

Gu Yundong stood up, "Among you, who else would like to compare this painting with me?"

No one said anything, how could this compare? It's like a real person's rubbing, and it's completely two concepts with what they draw.

Fan Yilin and the others have all seen the charcoal drawing. When they saw it for the first time, they were actually amazed. It turned out that there was such a detailed drawing method in a place they didn't know.

But no matter how amazing it is, it is not more shocking than the painting I saw today. Thinking about it, the few charcoal paintings I saw before were actually not as good as those drawn by this Master Gu in front of me.

In the past, Fan Yilin and the others also wanted to learn this kind of painting technique, but the master admitted that he was ignorant and could not teach them, for fear of mistaking his children.


Gu Yundong took back the two paintings in their hands, "It seems that you guys still agree with my paintings, okay, now everyone goes back to their seats and the class officially starts."

Zhao Jing couldn't help but ask, "Husband, Master, do you want to teach us this painting method?"


Gu Yundong tapped the ruler in his hand, "Go back to your seat."

Everyone's heart skipped a beat and they turned around immediately.

Even if these people are not hard on her in their hearts, they have to admit that Gu Yundong has real skills.

Those who really want to learn will not make trouble at this time.

Gu Yundong nodded slightly with satisfaction, "Very good, then let's talk about this painting first. This painting is now called charcoal painting, and the basis of painting is sketching. What is sketching? It is drawn with charcoal pen and lines. The object is a monochromatic painting of light and shade. So you may not understand it. In short, it is an object composed of lines. Let me demonstrate it to you."

Lectures are really not her strength, especially some theoretical knowledge, she may be biased when she talks.

Gu Yundong turned the easel in a different direction and clamped a slightly thicker piece of rice paper on it.

The charcoal in her hand was specially made by herself, similar to a pencil.

"I have a square piece of wood here." She took it from the county government kitchen. Originally, Mao Yong and the others sorted it out and prepared it for burning.

"Now, use this, and use lines to draw this block of wood."

These are the basics. Gu Yundong has long been proficient in it. He can draw with his eyes closed without even looking at it.

But after she drew a few strokes, she looked back and found that far away places were not good-looking.

"If you can't see it, you can come to the front, and don't sit in the same place."

As soon as she finished speaking, Cai Yue came over.

Seeing this, the others ran to the center, standing there in an almost half-circle.

Fortunately, there are not many students and can still stand.

Then, everyone saw that the lines were actually constructed into a lively wooden block with gaps and holes.

Gu Yundong said while drawing, and immediately stood up after finishing the drawing, "You all remember what I said just now, right? Learn these simple things today. I'll put this wooden block here, you can also try to draw when you go back. A picture, when I come to class next time, you can hand it in."

It's getting late, because the students who were tidying up before, the original one-hour class is almost an hour and a half now.

Gu Yundong left the wooden block and the picture he drew.

He followed closely, but walked to the front of the case and picked up the picture drawn by Rong Mingxue.

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