The next morning, when Wei Shi and Xie Zhi woke up, they found that everyone else had woken up.

The two were immediately embarrassed. Mrs. Wei quickly got up to pack up and said to Gu Yundong, "I'll go pick some fruit nearby, Mrs. Shao, you guys rest first."

Gu Yundong held people back, why would she let the Wei family run around? The prisoner didn't show up all night, maybe staring at them from somewhere, waiting for an opportunity.

"No, let's have some porridge and see what fruit we have when we leave later."

When Wei Shi heard the words, he could only give up, and quickly followed the others to get busy.

It didn't take long for the group to finish their breakfast, neatly packed the tent and things, and prepared to leave without saying a word.

Wei Shi and Xie Zhi always felt that something was weird, and they always felt that they had fallen asleep.

Yesterday, Mrs. Shao also said to walk slowly, not in a hurry, do you still need to pay attention to medicinal materials along the way?

But Wei didn't dare to ask any more questions. Seeing that everyone took their things and left, he immediately helped.

Her two sacks were picked up by Tong Shuitao early in the morning, and she was not easy to snatch them, so she took other things as she could, and hurriedly left behind the group.

The bamboo house, which was still lively just now, was deserted as soon as people left. Only some charred traces on the ground could tell that there were still people here just now.

And just half an hour after Gu Yundong's group left, a head quietly popped out of the bushes.

The man looked in the direction of the tree house, and after observing for a while, he finally walked out slowly.

He was very cautious, but maybe because of his thin clothes, it was very shady in the mountains in the early morning. So rubbing his arms with both hands, he walked forward tremblingly, like a bird with a bow.

When he entered the tree house, he quickly draped the torn cotton wool on his body, shaking his lips and exhaling.

However, before he could finish his breath, he saw a few pieces of jerky that had been shaken by torn cotton wool and fell to the ground.

With a happy expression on his face, he hurriedly picked up the jerky, blew the dust on it, and bit down hard.

There were three pieces of jerky, and after eating one piece, he cherished the rest and put away the rest. Although his eyes were reluctant, he didn't move.

The sudden change happened in the blink of an eye, and before the jerky could be put away, a man suddenly rushed in outside the tree house, holding a long sword in his hand, and stabbed him in a hurry.

"Ah..." The people in the room widened their eyes and wanted to hide in fear, but their whole body was stiff, their hands and feet were completely unresponsive, and they watched the cold sword pierce their chest.

However, just when the tip of the sword was about to pierce his chest, the person carrying the sword suddenly turned in a different direction, and the tip of the sword quickly swept past his chest and slid across his neck.

"Who are you?" The person carrying the sword was Duan Qian's bodyguard, Zhao Chong. He was deliberately left by Duan Qian and the others to investigate, not only him, but there was also a guard outside the tree house.

It's just that the person in front of him seemed to be frightened, just staring at the sword on his neck, gasping for breath.

Zhao Chong frowned and pulled him up.

Only when he pulled it, did he find that his body was light and fluttering, and there were bones under his palms.

Without the sword, this man finally recovered, but the next moment his face changed drastically, and he subconsciously wanted to run.

Zhao Chong frowned and grabbed his hand easily, "Be honest, or you will break your hands and feet."

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