The Farmer’s Eldest Daughter Has a Spatial Pocket

Chapter 2832 Gu Yundong's Purpose

As Wei Shi said, he was about to lift his feet and go inside.

Who knew that as soon as he took a step, he heard Gu Yundong say, "Wait."

"What's wrong?" Duan Qian paused, no one else was following, right?

Gu Yundong slowly took out a book from his sleeve, and walked up to Duan Qian with a bright smile, "Read this book, especially the pictures in it."

"what picture?"

"It's these herbs, please remember them. During the interval of careful walking, help me to check whether there are any of these herbs on the side of the road. If you see similar or uncertain ones, come to me. We have more time, so we can take it slow. Go, don't be in a hurry." She herself is not sensitive to herbs and can't remember.

Fortunately, there are many people entering the mountain this time. There is a saying that the more people, the greater the power.

A rare opportunity not to be missed.

Duan Qian's eyes widened in disbelief, and he just said, why is this person so excited to follow him into the mountain? His feelings are because he has taken a fancy to the manpower he brought, and he is really well prepared, even with pictures. .

Gu Yundong handed the books to Duan Qian and asked him to circulate them one by one.

The guards behind Duan Qian showed indescribable expressions, but seeing that his young master didn't say much, he really paid attention to it.

Although it can be remembered well, some medicinal materials themselves have strange shapes, and it is possible to find a few of them.

Medicinal materials, if they are rare and precious enough, are also very popular.

Gu Yundong didn't spare a single one, even Wei Shi and Xie Zhi looked at it.

Who knew that after reading it, Wei Shi really snorted and said, "I seem to have seen this before."

Zheng Quanshui stood beside her, his eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he asked excitedly, "Where have you seen it?"

"It's by a small stream not far from my mother's house. I don't know if I admit my mistake or not. I have to go back and check again."

"No problem, we'll see when we go."

After reading the book, Gu Yundong hurriedly put it away, waved his hand, and said happily, "Okay, let's go on."

Duan Qian sighed, suddenly envious of that kid Shao Qingyuan, not to mention marrying a capable daughter-in-law, and thinking of him so wholeheartedly that he even dared to venture into the mountains.

He shook his head and quickly followed.

It was obviously more difficult to walk in the deep mountains than the outside. Mrs. Wei was carrying two sacks. Even if she was used to working, she was not too tired at the moment, so she occasionally stopped to rest.

Gu Yundong gave Tong Shuitao a wink. When Wei Shi put down the burden again, he quickly stepped forward, put the pole across his shoulders, and walked away with ease.

Wei Shi was stunned for a moment, and quickly stood up to stop, "Hey, Miss Tong, put it down quickly, I'll just do it myself, don't..."

Before she could finish speaking, she saw Tong Shuitao carrying two sacks across a river in front of her. It was as neat as she could be described as being as light as a swallow.

Wei Shi and Xie Zhi opened their mouths and widened their eyes.

Gu Yundong said, "Shui Tao is very strong, these two sacks are like two branches to her, and they are not heavy."

ah? ? ?

Like this? ?

Wei Shi still opened his mouth, watching Tong Shuitao carrying the sack and walking further and further.

The group rested for a while and then set off again.

The trees in the mountains were tall and it was dark early, so it didn't take long for Mr. Wei to say that it was not advisable to travel today.

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