The Farmer’s Eldest Daughter Has a Spatial Pocket

Chapter 2770 Zhuang Dafu has a good reputation

While listening, Shao Qingyuan looked at Zhuang Dafu's expression.

From the neighbor's mouth, I learned that this Zhuang Dafu is indeed a good friend on weekdays. His father died when he was young, and he and his mother depended on each other since childhood. A year ago, his mother was washing clothes by the river. Because she got up too quickly, she slipped and hit her head. She went on the spot.

From then on, there were only Zhuang Dafu and his wife Wan Shi in the house.

The husband and wife have been married for two years and have not had any children. Wan was criticized for this, and there was a lot of gossip among the neighbors.

But every time there is such gossip, it is Zhuang Dafu who comes out to explain himself, saying that his family is poor, he does not have a serious job, and he has no money in his hand, and his children will suffer when they are born in the future.

This is an excuse when you hear it. Everyone doesn't believe it. Who is not in trouble now? Those who don't have a house still have five or six children? Everyone still said that it was Wan's problem, and even sympathized with Zhuang Dafu, and had a better impression of him.

Therefore, in front of the neighbors and even relatives and friends, Zhuang Dafu's reputation is particularly good.

But even with such a good Zhuang Dafu, the Wan family is still not satisfied. He actually ran away with a small vendor two months ago, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

Shao Qingyuan originally listened quietly, but suddenly interrupted him when he heard this, "Wan's ran away with a small vendor?"

"Yes." The neighbor nodded, "I don't know when the two of them will get together, and there is no sign. One day my mother-in-law saw Mrs. Wan carrying a burden and hurriedly came out of the house and ran to the I went over to the alley. My mother-in-law still felt strange, she glanced over there, and saw a street vendor and Wan left together, and never came back. "

Small vendors, small vendors? ?

Shao Qingyuan raised his head abruptly and looked at Gu Yundong, the two of them seemed to think of something at the same time.

"How old is that little vendor? Where is he from?"

"I was in my early twenties. Later, we went to ask around and found that the small vendor was from Liumu Village. I grew up eating Baijia's rice since I was a child, so there was no one in my family. Therefore, sweet mouths will come to the fore. Fen laughing, maybe it is because of this that Mr. Wan was deceived by him."

In his early twenties, the people in the village under his jurisdiction, orphans, are popular...

Shao Qingyuan's gaze became condensed when he looked at Zhuang Dafu again. The characteristics of the hawker who walked with Wan's and the hawker who was killed some time ago were too similar.

And today, Yun Dong was assassinated by him because Zhuang Dafu thought that both she and Wan had the intention to seduce men.

It would be even more coincidental if there was a woman in her forties who had grudges with Zhuang Dafu.

Shao Qingyuan stared at Zhuang Dafu, but asked the neighbor in the lobby, "Among your neighbors, is there a woman in her forties who has a better relationship with the Wan family?"

Shao Qingyuan wondered if there might be such a woman who would help the Wan family and the small vendor to do good things, so Zhuang Dafu hated him.

It's just that as soon as his voice fell, Zhuang Dafu suddenly raised his head over there.

Unexpectedly, when he raised his head, he saw Shao Qingyuan looking straight at him. He was shocked and lowered his head on the spot.

However, his reaction actually confirmed Shao Qingyuan's guess.

It seems that this Zhuang Dafu can really dig a good dig.

The neighbor thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No."

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