Although many thoughts flashed through Mr. Hong's mind, he obediently followed Gu Yundong's instructions and went to find the place.

Zheng Quanshui and Gao Zi also went to other places. They heard from Master Hong that there was a small market on the east side of the city, and there were many rare things.

Gu Yundong continued to stroll around with Tong Shuitao. In addition to many fruits, Jingping County also has a lot of wild vegetables and mushrooms. There are many mountains here, so there are many people who go up the mountain.

But it can be seen that most of these things were obtained on the periphery of the mountain. The deep mountain is dangerous, and few people dare to enter.

The two of them didn't go back for lunch, and ordered two bowls of noodles from a small stall on the street.

There are two bowls of pickles on the table. I heard from the hawker that they were made by their own mother, and they used some wild mushrooms.

Gu Yundong tasted it, his eyes could not help light up, "This tastes good."

The boss laughed when he heard it, "The guest officer likes to eat, you can add more."

Gu Yundong looked down at the pickles, this thing is a good thing to eat with rice, you can go back to the mountain to find some wild vegetables and come back and try it yourself.

After eating, she also asked the boss to buy a small jar.

In the afternoon, the two continued to stroll on the street.

Now the yard is rented, but there are still many things missing inside. Before moving in, I still need to get some things done.

Pots and pans are indispensable, quilts should be replaced, and some small pieces of furniture.

When Gu Yundong returned to the small courtyard he rented, there was a freight trolley behind him, which was full of loads.

Hongye and the others have almost finished tidying up the yard. They have quick hands and feet, and the yard is not difficult to tidy up. At this time, the goods from the carriages they had come together had begun to be unloaded.

Seeing this, Tong Shuitao hurried to help.

After Gu Yundong took a look, he left the courtyard and turned to go to the county office.

Mother Qi was holding Chichi in the kitchen and talking to Mrs. Geng. She really didn't know where to go. The yard was still being sorted out, and the yamen was being repaired later. There was a mess everywhere, but Chichi was a little quieter. When it's not noisy, when it's not quiet, it's the temperament to join in whenever there is excitement.

In the yamen, Shao Qingyuan and Wen and Wu Shuangquan were all doing business, so she couldn't be bothered.

Momo Qi couldn't do anything, so she just carried him to the kitchen and cooked food for him. By the way, I chatted with Mrs. Geng. She was the grandmother in the palace. After three or two sentences, Mrs. Geng let her guard down, and it didn't take long for her to shake off some things about the county government.

Gu Yundong just glanced at the kitchen from a distance, and then went to find Shao Qingyuan.

Who knew that just as we entered the lobby, a distressed voice came from our ears, "Sir, we are so poor, that fee is not enough to buy two sets of ink, paper, ink, and ink, and the students in the county school are panicking now. Anxiety. Especially those students who have just entered the school, for fear that the yamen will not care about their training and will not be able to learn. If things go on like this, I am afraid that the situation will get worse and worse, something will happen."

When his voice fell, Shao Qingyuan's faint voice came, "Well, I see."

The man didn't expect that he said a lot, but only got these few words, and he was suddenly stunned.

But soon began to cry again, "Sir, you can't ignore it, those are the pillars of the future country, that's all..."

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