Gu Yundong shook his head, "Walk really fast, I also want to invite you to a meal, seeing as you have worked so hard today, you haven't been paid yet."

Having said that, her expression showed no regret at all. She picked it up and said, "Let's go and find your father for dinner."

That night, the family of three all lived in the Houya.

Shao Qingyuan found a sturdy house to live in. He originally wanted to live in the main house, but the main house didn't look too secure. Anyway, the materials have been pulled back today, so let's renovate a few rooms tomorrow.

Because there were so many things to do, the husband and wife both got up early the next day, and then took Chi Chi, who was still sleeping, into the archives, while Shao Qingyuan watched the dossier.

It's a little far from the backyard where we work, so it's not noisy for the time being.

However, she still wanted to take advantage of renting a yard nearby to live in today. The county government had to do construction, which was too messy and dangerous. Moreover, Qi Momo and the others should be arriving in the next few days. There are not many people in Houya's room, which is inconvenient.

Yesterday was a newcomer with a lot of business and I didn't have time. Today, I have to find an opportunity to ask Master Hong.

When Gu Yundong was packing up and preparing to go out, Mao Yong also happened to bring someone over.

"It's quite early." Gu Yundong nodded in satisfaction seeing that they were all in good spirits.

Mao Yong smiled and said, "As long as there is work to do, we are not afraid of getting too early." Yesterday I got my salary back, and I felt real and my family was happy.

Besides, after signing the deed, they finally settled down in their hearts. So today, everyone set off early in the morning and waited at the city gate. When the city gate opened, they rushed in.

Gu Yundong temporarily canceled the plan to find a house, she turned around and walked back to the ya, while explaining the situation to Mao Yong, "The courtyard wall in the east is repaired first, there is a wall over there that can't be repaired, so I simply overthrow it and rebuild it. Build it up. Do you understand the blueprint I gave you yesterday? If you have any questions, just ask me directly."

As Mao Yong listened, he walked behind with twenty or so workers, and carefully inquired about the things he didn't understand.

The two talked in the backyard for a long time, Mao Yong knew what he knew, and he brought people to prepare.

Director Hong came over at this time, "Madam, the Wang family has brought bricks, tiles and lumber over here."

Did you pull the material?

Gu Yundong turned his head to look at Mao Yong, who scratched his head and said, "I asked him to pull it. The materials he pulled yesterday afternoon were only enough for half a day. When I went back last night, I stopped by Wang's house and asked him They pulled two more cars this morning. I'll calculate how many bricks and tiles are needed in total later, and then I'll show my wife."

"Very good." Gu Yundong nodded, since Mao Yong knew what she knew, she could save a lot of worry. "Bring a few people to the front and unload the things first."

Mao Yong responded, ordered two people, and then walked behind Gu Yundong to the gate with Master Hong.

Who knew that just as he walked to the front yard, he heard noises coming from the door, and a few angry shouts.

Gu Yundong frowned, but Director Hong had already heard it, "It seems like Yin Zhaotou and the others..."

As he said that, he also looked carefully at Gu Yundong. The latter sneered and called the concierge over, "What happened, what are those arresters blocking the door for?"

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