The first emperor moved his anger, beheading countless palace people on the spot, and also beheading people who presented treasures, and even burning countless flowers.

In those days, the precious flowers that many people took care of were uprooted directly, and the flower houses called by most of the dignitaries were destroyed.

All of a sudden, some people who love flowers only dare to hide those flowers secretly. As for the tasting of famous flowers, there is no more. After many years, the previous emperor had forgotten the concubine who died tragically, and had a new concubine who cherished flowers, and this matter slowly subsided.

Thinking about it now, Gu Yundong felt that the first emperor had done countless crimes.

But now the emperor is a benevolent, and the current queen is also a flower lover. It can be seen from the willow willows that have been planted and sold a lot. I am afraid that this flower tasting will soon reappear in the arena.

It's a pity that Mrs. Shen and Master Shen are both people who have gone through ups and downs, and their mentality has become very stable. For things like planting flowers, let's go with the flow and no longer pursue whether they are treasures or not.

Looking at this yard, you can see that they are all ordinary flowers, and some can be used as medicine.

However, Mrs. Shen's experience is there, and my mother may be able to discuss with her in the future.

Just thinking about it, the voice of "I won" came from the room.

Gu Yundong and Mrs. Shen looked at each other and smiled, and walked in.

Gu Dajiang and Shen Yuan are playing a chess game. It is said that it is a chess game, but Shen Yuan is actually guiding him.

After all, Gu Dajiang has only been in touch with Go for a short time. He has concentrated on studying and preparing for the imperial examinations in recent years. Apart from that, there is not much else involved. After all, his time is too little. If Tianhai Academy hadn't set up these courses, he would probably have less time to contact them.

Against a master like Shen Yuan, he was naturally powerless.

Fortunately, Gu Dajiang's brain is very logical, and after a few games, his chess skills have greatly improved, making Shen Yuan impressed.

"Sure enough, tiger fathers have no dog children." Shen Yuan admired with a smile.

Mrs. Shen leaned into Gu Yundong's ear and whispered, "My master hasn't felt so relaxed for a long time. He is in a good mood if you guys come here."

She enjoyed such a quiet afternoon very much, this kind of life was what she had been looking forward to for a long time.

If it wasn't for the death of their son, now they can also have their children and grandchildren around their knees and enjoy the joy of a family...

Gu Yundong put his arms around her shoulders, "Madam can go out for more walks in the future. You also know that our family has opened a new Ming Pavilion. If you have time, I will give you a discount."

Mrs. Shen laughed out loud, "Okay, I'll definitely go to visit. In the past, I was afraid that if I went out, the master would be even more deserted when he came home, and no one would look at him when he secretly drank. Now he has accepted his apprenticeship, Now that I have something to do, I don't have to worry anymore."

Gu Yundong secretly gave himself a thumbs up, very good, and pulled another guest.

While talking, he saw Shao Qingyuan came in with a bowl of medicine, placed it directly in front of Shen Yuan, and said expressionlessly, "Mr. Shen, drink the medicine."

Shen Yuan's face revealed horror, and all the pieces in his hand were lost, "You, you haven't seen anyone for a long time, are you going to boil medicine? Also, give it back to me? I'm not sick, what medicine should I drink? Take it away."

Shao Qingyuan ruthlessly pushed the medicine bowl forward.

Shen Yuan immediately shrank back, "I said what are you doing? You are a dignified servant of the Punishment Department, why don't you do anything, go and boil medicine for me like a servant, do you know that you have lost your identity?"

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