The official said, paused, and then continued, "But Cai Wenqian explained that he did not do this alone. There was a man in black who approached him and asked to cooperate with him, killed Shao Hui, and took revenge on the Shao family. According to Cai Wenqian, the man in black is most likely the heir to Prince Lu."

Shao Qingyuan's face changed slightly, his eyes narrowed, "What did Cai Wenqian say?"

"Yes, this matter involves the Prince Lu. Mr. Lei asked someone to go to the Heavenly Prison to verify the situation, and Prince Lu also explained that the situation is true. So this time, I was ordered to... bring Cai Yue to the Ministry of Punishment."

If Cai Wenqian and Chu Baoyan colluded, then it was not a matter of him killing someone to pay for his life. This kind of disaster would bring disaster to the whole family.

As Cai Wenqian's son, Cai Yue, of course, could not escape.

Gu Yundong laughed angrily, "What's wrong with Cai Wenqian? He committed his own sins, and the whole family accompanies him to hell. He's not a person anymore? It's been eight lifetimes of blood mold."

The officials of the Ministry of Punishment were almost silent. Although they had seen many such incidents, they were not without sighs in their hearts.

When adults make mistakes, they will try their best to save their children and grandchildren, at least leave it for the family. Just like King Lu, isn't he willing to die for the prince of King Lu? Cai Wenqian came directly to die together.

The official sighed secretly and looked at Shao Qingyuan, "Master Shao, this Cai Yue..."

Shao Qingyuan had a sullen face. The last time he didn't let him take Cai Yue away, it was because Cai Yue was a witness.

This time, Shao Qingyuan couldn't stop him any longer.

He nodded slightly, "I'll have someone call."

Who knew that just as he turned around, he saw Cai Yue standing precariously under the porch, and Gu Yunshu beside him was struggling to support him.

Looking at the expressions of the two, I heard what I wanted to say just now.

Shao Qingyuan and Gu Yundong looked at each other and said to the official, "Wait a minute."

After he finished speaking, he strode towards the two of them.

Gu Yunshu whispered, "Brother-in-law, are you really going to take Cai Yue away?"

Shao Qingyuan just raised his hand and touched his head before saying to Cai Yue, "This matter is no longer a simple murder case. Now that your father is involved in King Lu's incident, this trip is a must. But you Don't be afraid. Although what your father did will affect the family, it won't let you die. You go with them first, and I will try my best to bring you back. "

Cai Yue opened his mouth, his throat was so uncomfortable, and after a while he said hoarsely, "...Thank you."

After he finished speaking, his footsteps were slightly vain and walked towards the two officials.

Shao Qingyuan followed and said to the two officials, "He is young and ill, and the cell is damp and cold. You should take more care of him. Try to arrange a separate, clean and larger cell."

As he said, he took out a piece of silver from his sleeve, "Just do me a favor, buy him a quilt and make hot porridge, and drink the rest for the brothers, thank you for your hard work."

The two officials hurriedly refused, "Sir Shao has ruined us, don't worry, we are not those hard-hearted people. If the child is ill, we will naturally take good care of it."

"One yard is one yard, you don't have to buy things with your own money when you take care of it."

The two officials looked at each other, and in the end they still accepted the broken silver.

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