"Young Master Cai doesn't seem to be as down-to-earth as he looks. The little rich people are not necessarily as big as you, and there are so many servants in the family. If you say that you have no money, few people will believe it, right? "

Cai Wenqian opened his mouth, and his body was already straight. Treating Gu Yundong, how could he dare to treat Mrs. Hou so carelessly? With almost all his energy, he said cautiously, "What did my cousin and sister say? There are servants in my family because my mother is not in good health, so how can I do without servants to serve you? Besides, my mother In this state, from time to time, I have to find a doctor for acupuncture and moxibustion, and the money is spent like running water, and I have few coins in my hand. Otherwise, I wouldn’t bother my aunt to rent us a house.”

Gu Yundong smiled, "Cousin? Young Master Cai should call me the Lord of Yongjia County, otherwise people will think how familiar I am with you when they hear it."

Cai Wenqian's expression froze. The Cai family's parents were originally curious about Gu Yundong's identity, but they understood it now.

Gu Yundong smiled and said, "Your mother needs to see a doctor and take medicine, can her dowry shop be maintained?"

"You don't know, county lord, those dowry shops have been taken away."

"Oh? Take it away?" Gu Yundong nodded, "You say, who is so bold to even take away someone's dowry shop. Tell me, I'll go home and tell my husband that those dowry shops are anyway. Even if it is on the grandmother's face, my husband will definitely investigate it clearly and bring those shops back."

Cai Wenqian tightened his fingers and fell silent.

Gu Yundong raised his eyebrows, "Why don't you talk? I rarely want to be kind to help." After a pause, she seemed to suddenly realize, "Could it be that those shops were not stolen, but paid to others? What exactly did you do, and you need to pay for the shop? Besides the two people who got the shop, is there anyone else who didn't get your compensation?"

Cai Wenqian's face changed greatly. He used to be an official for a period of time by entrusting someone to go through the back door. Although the official position is not large, he can use his position to do things... but there are many wicked things.

These, Gu Yundong knew without thinking.

Just by looking at the time he dared to catch the water bandits, and openly extorting blackmail at the city gate, you can see how courageous this person is, so there must be a lot of things that are not shallow in offering bribes and accepting bribes. Check it out. Enough for him to eat a pot.

"Young Master Cai, do you have any opinion? If you have no opinion, I will tell my husband when I go back. Don't worry, my husband will definitely handle it fairly. When the time comes, those who should be caught and those who should lose money will lose money. If your shop is indeed stolen. If you leave, I will give it back to you.”

Cai Wenqian's face became more and more ugly, and the wife beside him glared at Gu Yundong angrily, but her body trembled slightly and looked at her husband worriedly.

The main room was extremely quiet, and Mrs. Shizi did not know when she stood by Mrs. Hou's side, slowly raising her chin, her fighting spirit was high.

Cai Wenqian clenched his hands tightly beside him. He raised his head, gritted his teeth and got up to look at Gu Yundong, "What does the county master mean?"

"I didn't express it clearly enough?" Isn't comprehension so bad? After all, he was an official.

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