Shao Wenhui said, "Several people were seriously injured, and the situation is very critical now. The others were slightly injured. Fortunately, Zheng Quanshui and Gao Zi were there, and there were no deaths."

This remark made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and Shao Wen was extraordinarily lucky.

After Zheng Quanshui treated Father Yu's wounds, he kept hiding in the corner to see which of the guards on his side had been cut and fell to the ground, so he hurriedly brought the person back for treatment, for which he also suffered. hurt.

Later, Gao Zi and Lu Xuan also came over. The two stayed in the house the whole time, digging out all the healing medicines that Shao Qingyuan had left behind, and they were so busy that they almost collapsed.

Fortunately, they are there. Sometimes people's injuries may not be fatal, but if the wounds are not treated in time, a large number of people will lose too much blood and die.

In addition, Shao Qingyuan had a premonition that something would happen, so he gave everyone a vaccination in advance. When fighting, he tried his best to protect his vital points. As long as he still had a breath, he would try his best to save people back.

He had already dealt with Gao Feng briefly, and the rest was handed over to Shao Quan. The female relatives who had no martial arts hidden in the back room also came out, and Lu looked at Gao Feng, who was in a coma, and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the assassins were gone, and everyone came out to help carry the people in.

Shao Qingyuan went to the front yard, Zheng Quanshui and the three were still busy, they looked tired, Lu Xuan was the youngest, and he couldn't lift his hands now.

Shao Qingyuan first went to see a few people who were seriously injured and dying, and his face became solemn.

He hurriedly called Shao Wen, who still had enough energy, "Go to Shao Ji and bring the shopkeeper and Jiang Bao over. Shao Ji pharmacy will not open for the time being today, and more medicines for trauma will be brought over."

"Yes." Shao Wen led the horse and went out.

It was quiet outside the door, and the alley that used to be lively at dawn in the past, now there is no sound at all, and the doors on both sides are all closed and motionless.

Shao Wen just rode out of the alley on his horse, and Nie Cong on the other side hurried to the door of Shao's house with a group of people.

Seeing the man in black on the ground, Nie Cong's expression changed, and he quickly ordered the people behind him to help.

Shao Qingyuan was too busy to treat everyone, so it was Gu Yundong who came to talk to him.

Nie Cong also had blood on his body, and the tiger's mouth on his right hand was torn and a big hole was opened.

He wiped his face and said, "How are you doing here? Are they all okay, Ashuke? Are there any casualties?"

Gu Yundong shook his head, "Fortunately, we were prepared before. When the assassin came, there was no chaos, but a few guards were seriously injured."

Nie Cong breathed a sigh of relief, looked left and right, and said in a low voice, "The capital is in chaos, and several adults have suffered assassins in their houses. The casualties are still unclear, but they are not optimistic. When I came here, Huimin Medical Center Doctors and doctors from several other hospitals were all taken away to treat people. On the way I came, there were a lot of bloody footprints. "

Gu Yundong already had guesses, and was also a little worried, not knowing which mansions were in trouble.

"What about you? Is the Nie Mansion all right?"

"Nie Mansion is fine." His official position is not high, and he is not a great person. After all, assassins are limited, where can they be assigned to deal with him? "However, both Liu Mansion and Qin Mansion encountered assassins. I asked people to inquire, but I still don't know how. By the way, something happened in the palace... too."

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