The Farmer’s Eldest Daughter Has a Spatial Pocket

Chapter 2226 I and that old guy are at odds with each other

King Lu's mansion was thinking about remedying it, but since the Taifu mansion had revealed the matter, he had thought about every aspect. How could King Lu, who was caught off guard, be able to turn things around in a short period of time?

But Taifu and the others also knew that relying on the confessions of those few people could not bring down King Lu, and they did not expect this.

However, adding a little block to King Lu can still be done.

The trial of Jingzhao Prefecture Yin was very fast, and it didn't take long for the case to be closed.

The case was actually quite simple. The family had evidence to prove that the maid was killed by Princess Lu. Xuan Zhuo found this evidence and gave it to the family.

After all, it didn't take long for the incident to happen, and it was still possible to follow the clues.

However, what if it was proved that Princess Lu killed her?

The servants of this servant girl's family have all been released, but Princess Lu had left a hand before, but this servant girl is still a servant, she is a servant of King Lu's mansion. Princess Lu insisted that she had done something wrong. She wanted to teach her a lesson, but she accidentally killed someone.

These days, the servant's life is given by the master, and he is a servant who signed a death deed. Even if he dies, the government will not care.

Therefore, the rule of ignoring human life does not hold.

As for framing Zhongliang and slandering Mrs. Hou, this is because too much time has passed, and the traces that should have been destroyed have long been wiped out.

Today, this charge only has witness, not physical evidence. Therefore, Jing Zhaoyin could only deliberately interrogate Chu Baoyan, but he could not really convict people.

At this point, Lu Wangfu can almost be regarded as a complete retreat.

Well, almost...

Although the official yamen did not convict them, the people had already pinned them on the pillar of shame, and there was already a lot of uproar outside poking at the lungs of Prince Lu's mansion and cursing.

Concubine Lu had sworn that she was afraid that the maid would be murdered and silenced when she went back to the Hou Mansion, but it turned out that the person died in her hands, and she admitted it herself. What do you mean that the girl will be punished for doing something wrong? Who will believe this?

This is almost no more self-admission, that maid was bought by Princess Lu and was eventually silenced.

Fortunately, Taifu's mansion accidentally met the servant girl's family, which made the truth come out to the world.

In fact, as early as the opening day of Xinming Pavilion, Gu Yundong had already corrected some of the names of the Marquis of Huaiyin when he asked those words in Jiaguyuan. Coupled with today's fermentation, as long as you are not a fool, you all know the dirty things done by the Lu Palace.

They couldn't figure it out, why is this Prince Lu's mansion trying to figure out what the Marquis of Huaiyin Mansion is doing?

The Marquis of Huaiyin did not do anything, did they? Their status is not high, does Prince Lu need to care about them?

The only thing that makes sense is what happened to the Gu family before.

But it's been a long time since this happened, and the Hou Mansion has also been forced by the rumors and rumors, so why don't you want to let them go?

Because of this incident, Lu Wangfu was called a person with a small stomach and a narrow heart.

Some officials who originally stood in King Lu's camp gradually had other concerns in their hearts.

King Lu was so angry that he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were red, "The old guy Xuan Yao and I are at odds with each other."

Xuan Yao is the current Taifu.

But no matter what, after this happened, the person who was pointed at and gossip became the mansion of King Lu.

Many people even came to comfort Madam Hou because of their sympathy, and the Hou residence became lively in an instant.

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