Speaking of the past, Mrs Lu was still in a trance, "Now I see a place where the guests are all distinguished and polite ladies, the atmosphere is even more quiet and elegant, and the people who work together are very friendly and kind."

"Being able to do things in such a place, I don't feel uncomfortable at all, on the contrary... I am very happy. And playing the piano is something I like, and now the things I like can become the skills that I rely on to survive, I think there is nothing happier than this. It's a matter of time. And the girl Yu who plays the guqin, she is really good, and I can share my experience with her, which I like very much."

She said that she liked it several times in a row, and even said such a long paragraph, you can imagine how satisfied she is.

Gu Yundong raised his eyebrows, "If that's the case, then it's up to you, tomorrow morning, you and the others will go to Xinming Pavilion. Afu will explain the situation with Mammy Xia. If you don't know anything, ask Mama Xia. can."

"Okay." Mr. Lu took a deep breath and nodded quickly.

Gu Yundong told her about wages, but Lu didn't refuse. She now understands the importance of money.

However, she now lives in Shao Mansion, and she will pay part of the fee for eating and living here.

Fortunately, their salaries are slightly higher than that of ordinary guys, and Lu's is already very satisfied.

Gu Yundong explained that she should rest early, and when she turned around, someone would prepare the dress she was going to wear, so she didn't say anything more, just let her get used to it first.

In this way, the Lu family officially became a member of Xinming Pavilion.

She really had a good time. When she was in the Lu Mansion, the only person she could communicate with about music theory was the female master. But in fact, the female master has nothing to teach her after she learns to be a teacher, and sometimes she can't go on talking.

It's different now. Not only that girl Yu is present in Xinming Pavilion, but there are also other ladies who also know how to calligraphy, chess, and painting.

Sometimes they are happy, and they will come over to talk about their experiences.

Mr. Lu has gained a lot in Xinming Pavilion, and his temperament has also become cheerful. The body that had lost weight has gradually recovered.

Gu Yundong didn't care about it anymore, and began to focus on raising the baby, and occasionally went out to go shopping.

After another half month, the mansion suddenly received a letter.

It was from Lingzhou Mansion. Gu Yundong took the envelope and waited until Shao Qingyuan came back before opening it.

However, after reading the contents of the letter, the faces of the two of them sank at the same time.

Bai Hang said, Bai Zhiyan... ran away and disappeared.

After they came to the capital, they wrote a letter and sent it back to Lingzhou, telling Bai Hang about Bai Zhiyan's life experience and how he treated Gao Feng.

Bai Hang asked people to control Bai Zhiyan for the first time, but he didn't expect that when they went to find Bai Zhiyan, he was gone.

Bai Zhiyan's disappearance can only mean that he already knew that he was exposed, or that he suspected that he was not safe.

Without Bai Zhiyan's trace, the Bai family went to Xun Zhifu.

But the Bai family has no evidence. Although they have a huge influence in Lingzhou Prefecture, Xun Zhifu is an official of the imperial court after all, and it is impossible for the Bai family to directly attack him, otherwise it will provoke the authority of the imperial court.

The Bai family is now looking for evidence of the crime committed by the prefect of Xun, but if they want to overthrow the Xun family, it is not enough for them to exchange the descendants of the Bai family. This can only be regarded as a family matter. .

Therefore, the Bai family has now changed direction.

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