"The name on this paper is the same as me, who was bought by the eldest lady." Qiao Jinshui gasped slightly and said, "Also, I didn't want to kill myself, I was poisoned by someone else."

Bai Hang was stunned, "Did you get poisoned by someone else?"

No wonder, no wonder he didn't hesitate to say who was behind the scenes as soon as he woke up. It seemed that Xun Shi himself wanted to kill people.

He opened the paper in his hand, saw the name on it clearly, and looked a little dignified.

There are a few people among them who have actually been identified by them, but there are two others who they have not yet suspected.

Bai Hang closed his eyes and said to Qiao Jinshui, "You should recuperate here first, we have to go back to Bai Mansion."

After saying that, he took a few people to the carriage, and without delaying for a moment, he went straight to the island where Bai Mansion was located.

They walked very fast this way, but in the end they were still a day and night behind Bai Yong, and they did not catch up with Bai Yong until they reached Zhuangzi outside the island.

When they arrived on the afternoon of the third day, the servants on Zhuangzi said that Bai Yong had already arrived on the island in the morning, and more than three hours had passed since now.

Bai Hang exhaled and parked the carriage in the village, then entered the woods and pressed the bridge connecting the islands.

The group hurried to the island again.

They didn't stop until they stood at the gate of the White House.

The whole mansion was very quiet, and when the servants saw the second master who came back, they hurriedly bowed and saluted. It's just that the sound of their footsteps and voices can be heard, and they are all deliberately suppressed.

The Bai Mansion seemed to have fallen into a quiet and uninhabited environment, and the atmosphere was inexplicably tense.

Bai Hang held a servant, "Where is my father?"

The servant said in a low voice, "The old man is in the Banxia Courtyard."

Bai Hang didn't ask any more questions, and walked to the Banxia Courtyard with Shao Qingyuan.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of Banxia Courtyard, he saw Shao Wu hurriedly running over.


Shao Qingyuan stepped forward and asked him, "How is Grandpa?"

"The old man is still very angry at the moment. As soon as he came back, he went directly to the uncle and the eldest lady to ask for the guilt. The eldest lady... admitted, the old man threatened to let the uncle divorce the eldest lady. The eldest lady is now locked up in On the other side of the Buddhist hall, the eldest young master and the third young master are kneeling in the Banxia Courtyard to beg for mercy."

Since recognizing Shao Qingyuan, according to the ranking of the Bai family, Bai Zhizhen is the eldest young master, Shao Qingyuan is the second young master, and Bai Zhiyan has become the third young master.

After listening to Shao Wu's words, Shao Qingyuan looked back at Bai Hang.

Bai Hang pursed his lips and asked Shaowu, "What did my eldest brother say?"

"The uncle couldn't accept it for a while, he didn't say anything, locked himself in the Uncle Tengyuan and didn't come out."

Bai Hang nodded, "I see, I'll go find my father first."

After a pause, he suddenly said a few words to Shao Yin as if thinking of something.

Shao Yin pursed his lips and looked solemn, then turned and left.

Gu Yundong heard it too, and said to Shao Qingyuan, "I'll accompany my mother." After that, he hurried to catch up with Shao Yin.

Only then did Bai Hang and Shao Qingyuan turn around and strode towards the Banxia Courtyard.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw Bai Zhizhen and Bai Zhiyan kneeling in the courtyard.

Under the sun, the two of them didn't know how long they had been kneeling, and they were both sweaty and flushed from the sun.

Seeing Bai Hang coming in, Bai Zhizhen raised his head and shouted, "Second uncle."

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