Brother Dao was about to go forward, but unexpectedly two familiar faces suddenly appeared in front of him. This is... Young Master Shao and Madam Shao?

Brother Dao was very impressed with these two people. When he was so sick that he almost didn't survive, it was this young master Shao who sold him the medicine.

It was because the medicine was really expensive, and when he was asked to hand over the money, it felt like blood was dripping from his heart.

However, this also just shows that Shao Gongzi is rich.

Thinking of this, Brother Dao instantly put a smile on his face and strode towards Shao Qingyuan.

"Young Master Shao, we meet again."

Shao Qingyuan raised his head, nodded slightly to him, then pointed to the contents of the carriage, and said to him, "Brother Dao, please ask a few people to help us carry the salute onto the boat."

Brother Knife laughed, "No problem." Then he summoned two boatmen to carry all the large and small bags, and he also explained very intimately, "Be careful, don't bump, otherwise you will all be Can't afford it."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and asked Shao Qingyuan, "Young Master Shao is going back to Pingling County. How many of you...are you all together?"

Shao Qingyuan pointed around, "Yes, we're all together." He pointed to the passenger in ordinary clothes, "He's also with us."

Brother knife doesn't matter, it's better to be together.

He laughed even more happily, "Young Master Shao, with so many of you, this boat fare is not cheap."

Shao Qingyuan nodded, "I understand, don't worry, someone will pay for us in a while."

Brother Dao was taken aback, "Oh? Who is it?"

Of course it's you.

"You'll find out later."

As soon as the words fell, a group of people came over from a distance, and it was General Fan who said to see him off.

He came in a hurry with his adjutant's men, Brother Dao looked at him, and rushed over to greet him, "Sir, why are you here?"

"Old Dao, do you know how to start the boat in a while?"

"I know, I will drive it well." Brother Dao felt strange in his heart, wondering if General Fan came here to say this?

But the next moment, I saw him striding towards Shao Qingyuan and the others.

"The county master, the county horse, why did you come so early? I thought I was early enough."

Shao Qingyuan smiled and said, "My parents and my mother were in a hurry and couldn't stay in the inn, so they came over earlier."

Brother Dao followed, and when he heard this conversation, the whole person went stupid.

He asked almost subconsciously, "Sir, what do you call them??"

General Fan frowned, "This is Yongjia County Master and County Ma Ye, Lao Dao. They will leave on your boat in a while, remember to take more care. If you neglect the County Master, you will have some good fruits to eat."

The boss held his breath, why, how can it be so good, it's the county owner and the county horse? Wasn't he just a doctor last time?

But General Fan would not lie to them about this, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Du Tianqing following Shao Qingyuan.

This man came with an official document.

Brother Dao was in a hurry and knelt down for the two of them, and he didn't dare to mention the boat fee for the next journey.

Even the lone passenger at the beginning didn't pay a penny.

After saying goodbye to General Fan, Shao Qingyuan and his party boarded the boat and returned to Pingling County smoothly.

Unexpectedly, just after disembarking at the pier, I saw Tong Shuitao with an anxious face suddenly rushing over, "Miss, it's not good, the old man Bai has returned to the house."

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