The Farmer’s Eldest Daughter Has a Spatial Pocket

Chapter 1789 things belong to Shao Qingyuan

As the group spoke, they were surrounded by villagers and returned to Shao's house.

Bai Yong raised his head and looked at the two identical blue-brick houses. When he looked back at Gu Yundong and Shao Qingyuan, the expressions were a little subtle.

His family A Yu, will there be a husband in the future? ?

Shao Qingyuan didn't know that his grandfather had made up a lot of things in his brain, that the house had been cleaned up, and he led people in directly.

Outside, Chen Liang had already evacuated the villagers who were watching the fun. "The county owner and the others have been on the road for a day. If the people are tired, let the county owner rest first, and then come back when the county owner is free. It's getting late, so we all go back to have dinner."

Although the villagers were still poking their brains, they wanted to talk to Gu Yundong almost in a straight line. Especially the villagers in the nearby village, still want to say a few words.

But he was also worried that he would annoy others, so in Chen Liang's voice, he reluctantly left.

In the huge Shao family, finally only the Bai family and Gu Xiaoxi and his wife were left.

Gu Yundong hugged the fat and white Gu Yunxiao, and then told Gu Xiaoxi the cause and effect.

Gu Xiaoxi was very emotional when he heard it, "I didn't expect you to be a county master." After speaking, he suddenly approached her mysteriously, smiling naively, "Yun Dong, then I can write Don't tell me your story? Don't worry, I'm just based on you, there are some similarities, and most of the plots will be changed. When I saw you, my inspiration suddenly exploded. "

The last time Gu Yundong came back, Gu Xiaoxi had already shown her the notebook he wrote.

Not to mention, it has really improved a lot.

It's just that he hasn't sent it to printing, nor has it been sold in bookstores, so I don't know what the effect will be.

But now with movable type printing, the more expensive cost is some paper and ink, which is much more convenient than sending it to a printing workshop.

"Uncle, write it down. I'll give you a gift the other day, so I can help you."

Gu Xiaoxi was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked, "What gift?"

"You'll know when you look back."

Gu Xiaoxi felt a little regretful, but in the end he didn't ask any more questions.

After sitting at Shao's house for a while, after dinner, he took Chang Yaya and his sleeping son back.

Bai Yong rested at home overnight, and the next day, he couldn't wait to go around the village.

As for the free clinic... Isn't this Bai Hang?

Bai Hang was ruthlessly pushed by his father to work, and he followed Yun Dong Shaoyin around the village.

Shao Qingyuan was also pulled away by Bai Hang.

Bai Yong had already heard about Shao Qingyuan being tortured by the Li family, so after leaving the Shao family, the first place he went to was the big house of the Li family.

However, there is no one in the Li family's big house at the moment, and their family is like a mouse meeting a cat when they see the Shao family's Gu family.

When Bai Hang Shaoyin came last time, they also hid.

This time it was even worse. After hearing that Gu Yundong had been sealed as the county owner the day before yesterday, the family shivered all day. Yesterday morning, they packed up and went to live at Bao's family for a few days.

Bai Yong was very disappointed when he heard about it, but unfortunately, the old man of the Li family was gone, otherwise he would definitely let him taste what it is like to live rather than die.

Bai Yong was still a little angry when he remembered it. After kicking the door of Li's house, he said to Gu Yundong and the two, "Let's go, go back."

However, just after taking two steps, a quarrel suddenly came from his ear.

"This thing must belong to Shao Qingyuan."

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