Yang Wenli did not take the imperial examinations, so he naturally wanted to take over the family business.

Yang Zhifu didn't dare to give him too much in one breath at first, let him try the water first, and then found that Yang Wenli had some talent in this area, and his business methods were somewhat similar to his grandfather's.

Slowly, Yang Zhifu started to let go and turned his head to take care of his little grandson.

Yang Wenli will show him the ledger, and the entry and exit recorded on it will also be earned and lost. Compensation is normal, and it is impossible for anyone to do business smoothly.

Later, Yang Zhifu asked less questions. In addition, his health was not very good in those years, and he almost let go of business matters.

When he recovered his health and paid attention to the Yang family's property again, he realized that the Yang family had been defeated by Yang Wenli by more than half.

Yang Zhifu almost vomited blood. He wanted to start again, but Yang Wenli didn't agree at all. He had taken advantage of the past few years to collect all the business into his hands.

The shopkeeper in the shop was replaced by him, and the steward of the farm was driven away by him after finding a mistake.

Yang Zhifu was helpless, but at this time Yang Wenli took a fancy to the daughter of a family and planned to marry her as his wife.

As a result, after getting married, the woman treated Yang He extremely badly, and even urged Yang Wenli to send a lot of money to her parents' family.

Yang Zhifu's talent in business is not very high, and now he has to protect his little grandson, and the family is in chaos.

After more than ten years, the Yang family has gradually become unpopular.

Yang Wenli is indeed a bit smart, but his intelligence is all about taking the family property from his father and using it for those careful thoughts. On the contrary, the business outside is so-so, and his business vision is very poor.

Fortunately, he is too ambitious, his ideas are unrealistic, and he often spends a large sum of money in a business that is completely unprofitable.

Today's Yang family only has three small shops, a Zhuangzi, a Yang family mansion, and a house on Cheng'an Street.

Although such a family property is already a very wealthy family for most people, compared with the former glory of the Yang family, it is very unattractive.

In particular, the business of the three shops is not very good, and they are about to lose.

Gu Yundong and the others couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing after hearing this, but they only sighed with emotion.

While he was talking, Yang He's medicine was ready, and he immediately fed Yang Zhifu and drank it.

Mrs. Yang's foot injury was also rubbed by another doctor in the medical center. She rubbed some medicinal wine and went back to recuperate. It was not a big problem.

Yang He came to Ji Dong's house to say goodbye, and he would also like to thank Shao Qingyuan and the others. If it wasn't for their great help today, he wouldn't be able to send his grandma to the hospital smoothly. What's more, he was deceived by a quack doctor, and his money was deceived. It was a small matter that delayed his grandfather's illness but it was a big deal.

When Yang He came over, Shao Qingyuan also took advantage of the situation to say goodbye to Ji Dong's family.

"It's getting late, we'll go first."

Ji Dongjia hurriedly asked someone to prepare a stretcher. Yang Zhifu was placed on the stretcher and carried away by Yang He and Shao Wen one after the other.

The old woman was still carried by Tong Shuitao. Yang He didn't expect that they would send him back. He was grateful, but he didn't know how to thank him for a while.

However, Gu Yundong and Shao Qingyuan didn't care about his thanks. At first, they just wanted to make Shao Yin feel better. Now sending them back is just a matter of convenience.

Gu Yundong walked up to Yang He and asked him, "What are your plans now? Can you go back home?"

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