She stood at the door of Gu's house and looked, and happened to see Gu Yiping and his wife going out.

Luo Qi was overjoyed, and when they left, she immediately flashed into the yard.

At this time, the Gu family should only have the Jiang family.

There was a sound from the kitchen, Luo Qi walked to the kitchen, and the basket in her hand had already been taken out.

After seeing Jiang's back, she was about to speak out, but she was stunned when she saw Jiang's movements, her eyes widened in disbelief, and her pupils shrank fiercely.

She lowered her head and looked at the bowl of meat in her hand.

Finally, Luo Qi secretly swallowed her saliva and stepped back quietly.

After retreating to the gate of the courtyard, he immediately turned around and ran to his house quickly.

She stumbled and ran because she didn't have much energy because she hadn't eaten anything all day. Halfway through the run, he fell directly, the basket in his hand flew out, and the meat inside also fell out.

Luo Qi was lying on the ground, looking at the bowl of meat that was stained with soil and became dirty, her face changed and changed.

After a while, they stood up abruptly. Fortunately, their home was in a relatively remote part of the village, and no one passed by.

Luo Qi looked left and right, and quickly repacked the meat that night.

When she got home, she immediately took the only shovel in the house, walked down a hill in the distance, and laboriously dug a hole in the ground. Then, sweating profusely, she buried the bowl of meat and stood up. He got up and stepped on it vigorously.

It wasn't until the step was firm that Luo Qi breathed a sigh of relief and turned to go home with a basket and a shovel.

Who knew that when they were halfway through, they suddenly saw Shao Qingyuan and Gu Yundong walking slowly from a distance.

Luo Qi's expression froze, as if her actions just now were seen, and she felt very guilty.

But on second thought, it was wrong. She had already walked a certain way, and they must not have noticed.

However, Gu Yundong had already seen that she was the little girl who hated her outside the Gu Family Courtyard. He didn't expect to find her before, but she saw it here again.

Gu Yundong took a few steps forward, "Little girl..."

Luo Qi is about to run again, but now that Yun Dong is ready, how can she escape.

Luo Qi was in a hurry, and she was about to fall to the ground with her feet.

Gu Yundong quickly wrapped her arms around her waist to prevent her from slamming her head on the stone. She felt helpless, "What are you running away from, I won't do anything to you."

"Let me go." Luo Qi struggled twice, but there was no strength in her hands.

Gu Yundong pinched the person with a slight squeeze, and then heard the 'gurgling' from Luo Qi's stomach.

Gu Yundong, "..."

She turned her head to look at Shao Qingyuan, who was standing behind her. The latter handed her a small bag in his hand, which Gu Yundong took with him.

Although she has room, it is convenient to carry a small bag on her back.

So she took out a packet of pastries wrapped in greased paper from the small bag, "Here you are."

Luo Qi just buried the meat before, and now she naturally won't accept things sent by strangers.

But Gu Yundong didn't let her go, she could only pursed her lips and brought the paper bag over.

As soon as she accepted it, Gu Yundong's grip on hers really loosened by two points.

Then, Luo Qi threw the paper bag back into Gu Yundong's arms, turned and ran away.

Gu Yundong, "..." The little girl is very clever.

Shao Qingyuan frowned, got up to go after him, but was stopped by Gu Yundong, "Forget it, if you don't want it, don't, it seems that my plan to bribe her pastry to ask something from her mouth is in vain. Hey..." She too difficult.

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