Ge Shi took a deep breath, "One thousand two hundred taels." As for the fraction, she didn't say anything.

Gu Yundong pushed the paper in his hand towards her, and what was written on it was exactly 1,200 taels, but there was still a fraction of it, which was exactly the same as Ge Shi.

The two looked at each other, and after a while, they burst out laughing.

The sudden voice frightened Mei Hong and the others' hearts to jump. They were a little stunned when they heard the numbers, and now they are full of shock.

How much did the two owners just say? One thousand two hundred taels? ? ?

So much in one day? ?

Gu Yundong took a deep breath, the capital is worthy of being the capital, and there are indeed many rich people.

In fact, for her, the profit of more than 1,000 taels a day is not enough for her to be shocked.

After all, when he was in Fengkai County, Gu Ji had an income of 900 taels on the first day of business.

But Gu Ji is different from Xin Ming Pavilion after all.

The sugar that Gu Ji sold at the beginning was just a necessity, a novelty, and if you bought more, you could take it back and store it.

What's more, some people deliberately sold it and then took it out for sale, so the business on the first day was so good.

Looking at Xinming Pavilion, it was eaten and drank on the spot. Of course, some people packed it back for their family to eat, but the amount was not much.

Therefore, the income of Xinming Pavilion on the first day was 1,200 taels, which was really beyond Gu Yundong's expectations.

She exhaled, got up and packed up the ledger, and then looked at today's 'heroes'.

"Xinming Pavilion is so prosperous today, it is inseparable from everyone's hard work, hard work."

"It's not hard, it's not hard, this is what we should do." A group of people hurriedly shook their heads.

Gu Yundong smiled and said, "I said before that as long as everyone works hard, rewards are indispensable. So, now is the time to give out rewards."

She is really happy today, not only because of the good business of Xinming Pavilion, but also because of the news of Miss Shao.

While speaking, Tong Shuitao came out with a tray covered with a red cloth.

Everyone was puzzled, and Gu Yundong opened the red cloth.

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, and there were pieces of silver of the same size under the red cloth.

Gu Yundong looked at them with a smile, "Okay, all line up and come over to collect money one by one. Everyone is doing their best today, so everyone will have a tael of silver."

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't believe it for a while.

A tael, their monthly wages are only 5 taels, and now, they have one-fifth of the money for a day's work?

Inexplicably, everyone dared to step forward and always felt a little unreal.

The owner is too generous, right?

It was Sister Yu who gritted her teeth and stepped forward first.

Gu Yundong nodded at her and took a piece of broken silver from the tray for her.

Sister Yu was a little dazed until the small piece of cold silver landed in her palm.

She stood there for a while, then took the silver and went to the side.

She wanted to put the silver in her mouth and take a bite to feel it, but was it someone who had been training with Mammy Xia for a month, or had she restrained this inconspicuous movement.

With Sister-in-law Yu the first to step forward, the others came up one after another to receive the money.

After receiving the silver, they stood on the other side, and everyone was very excited.

At the end, only Mei Hong and Mother Zhang stood aside and did not come forward.

Gu Yundong looked at them, "What's wrong?"

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