Aunt Zhang wiped her face and said with a choked sobs, "I've heard Yingyue say that she was in a bad mood at first. It's her fault and mine. If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't..."

Saying that, he raised his head and said, "Master, you are a good person. It is the greatest blessing in our life for our mother and daughter to meet you. You not only saved me, but also Yingyue. We will remember this kindness in our hearts and repay them. yours."

"You don't have to do this, Auntie, Zhang Yingyue and I also signed the contract."

"I know, I know, you took a lot of advantage for her. You are so kind to our family, I don't even know what to say."

Gu Yundong, "..." Okay, if you say big kindness, then big kindness.

"Master, I want to take Yingyue back to recover from my injury," said Mother Zhang.

Gu Yundong nodded, "No problem, she's not a big problem now, just remember to apply the medicine on time."

Mother Zhang was grateful for another burst of gratitude. Seeing that the sky was going to get dark, she took Zhang Yingyue home first.

For the next two days, Gu Yundong prepared the ingredients with Ge Shi while waiting for the shop to dry.

On the second day of December, it is advisable to start a business, get married, and break ground.

At the entrance of Xinming Pavilion, the sound of firecrackers crackled in the early morning, attracting people from the shops on the left and right next door to watch.

It was only then that everyone discovered that the shop, which had been repaired for nearly a month, was finally about to open.

For the shop next door, this new Ming Pavilion is really mysterious.

It was quite lively when recruiting people before, and almost all the shops on Jinlan Street knew that this shop was recruiting female staff.

But since the recruiting finished, there has been no movement.

Except for the clanging sound from the shop, and the way Master Pang and the others came in and out.

Now, they can finally see the real face of Lushan and know what business they are going to do.

There is a plaque on the top of the head at the front of the shop, but the plaque is covered with red cloth, and the words on it cannot be read clearly.

Gu Yundong and Ge Shi stood at the door, and only looked at each other after listening to the sound of firecrackers.

The shopkeeper of the shop next door hurriedly stepped forward to ask, "Gu Dongjia, what exactly does your shop do?"

"Our shop is just a tea house. But a tea house that only serves female guests. If your wife is free, let her come and sit?"

The corner of the shopkeeper's mouth twitched, "A teahouse that only serves female guests? Haha, haha, this is the first time I've heard of such a teahouse. Then I wish you good luck with your business and good fortune."

"Thank you."

But as soon as the shopkeeper turned around, he couldn't help rolling his eyes and whispered, "Fool."

Then he walked over to the other shopkeepers he knew well, and told what he had inquired about, "It's said to be a restaurant that entertains female guests? Listen to what this is? This shopkeeper Gu is burning too much money, you guys. How much money can a woman have in her hand? They all take their children to do laundry at home, so how can they come out for tea?"

"Isn't it? Which woman would come here to drink tea and waste her time. She is too busy with so many things at home. If my mother-in-law dares to come, I can't kill her."

"This shop has been renovated for a month. I'm afraid it took a lot of money. It's really a prodigal woman."

"I estimate that this shop will close in less than a month."

Several people who spoke suddenly laughed, and became less interested in Xinming Pavilion.

At this moment, several carriages came from Jinlan Street and stopped straight at the gate of the shop.

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