Yu Yong was startled, and subconsciously wanted to kneel down again.

When he was halfway down his knees, he was suddenly supported by Shao Qingyuan's arm, "Stand straight."

"Yes, yes, sir."

The people in the Yu family were a little nervous. They didn't know why the new master suddenly stood by Yu Yong's side, or whether he was dissatisfied with them.

Gu Yundong was also confused and asked, "What happened to him?"

"It smells like medicine." Shao Qingyuan is particularly sensitive to medicinal materials. He turned to look at Yu Yong, "What kind of work were you in charge of in the county palace before?"

"If you go back to the lord, when the youngest was in the county prince's mansion, he fought with the hospital doctor." Yu Yong said, "After Dr. Tao came home to retire at an old age, the lord hired a new doctor, Dr. Zhang, to come back. A few days later, Doctor Zhang also left, so the little one helped to dry the herbs in the palace these few days." Then he waited for the new doctor to come.

Gu Yundong was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyes and looked at Shao Qingyuan.

Shao Qingyuan nodded and didn't say much. He returned to the front seat and sat down. After drinking a sip of tea, he said, "Tell me first, what you did in the prefecture's mansion, come one by one."

He pointed to the Yu family.

Yu Yong had just said it, so the Yu family's parents started.

The Yu family's parents are just doing errands at the Yu family's house, and the other is serving the horses in the stables, but they have a good way of taking care of the horses. One is to take care of the flowers and trees in the garden, and also to pull weeds and the like.

As for Yu Pan'er, she helped out in the kitchen. She was diligent in her hands and feet and didn't talk much, but she was the same as Yu Yong.

Then at Wan's house, Wan's father didn't work in the mansion, he was running errands outside with the shopkeeper of the shop under the name of the county king's mansion. Although he was running errands, he had seen a lot of the world, and his eyes were honest.

Mother Wan was in charge of the needlework in the house, aside from other things, the embroidery skills were really good.

Wan Xiaoshuang entertains the guests of the palace. If a guest like Yuan Sinuo lives in the palace, eats food in the guest room, etc., it is Wan Xiaoshuang who is responsible.

The most surprising thing is the Wan Xiaogao and Wan Xiaozhuang brothers. Listening to their meaning, it seems that there is no exact work before.

Since the age of seven or eight, the two have been assigned to the guards of the mansion, and have been practicing martial arts with the guards for several years now.

There is no specific work, but on weekdays, at most, he helps the guards to run errands, or move things.

Gu Yundong couldn't help but widen his eyes, "So, you two have very strange skeletons, and then you were trained as preparatory guards? Are you good at it?"

Brother Wan Xiaogao didn't understand what preparatory guard training was, but he understood the last sentence.

The twins glanced at each other, and Wan Xiaozhuang scratched his head, and replied somewhat naively, "Actually, it's not very good, we can't beat the guards in the palace."

Not very good or how bad?

Gu Yundong and Shao Qingyuan looked at each other, and the latter looked at Shao Wen.

Sure enough, the boy's eyes were bright, with a hint of eagerness to try.

Gu Yundong couldn't help but leaned close to Shao Qingyuan's ear and whispered, "How did you train him to become a militant? It's too violent."

Shao Qingyuan, "..." Look at Tong Shuitao beside you.

But he still has a basic desire to survive, so he said with certainty, "He was born."

Then he said to Shao Wen, "Are you going to compete with them?"

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